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entrie, to vndirly tlie law for the crjniies forfaid, and vtheris contenit in the lettres direct vpoune thame ;
quho fFand the Laird of Lochlevin cautioun to lliat effect.
Dec. 21. — The Jiiftice Depute, in refpect of the alledgeance proponit be
atliir of the parteis preloquitouris, and that ane Affyfe could nocht be obtenit to
my Lord Oliphant, for objectiounis ; ordanit the mater to be continewit quhill
the morae, xxij day of Nouember, &c.
Verdict. (Dec. 22.) The AfTyfe, be thair delyuerance, pronunceit and decla-
rit be the mouth and fpeking of George Symmer (Somer) of Bal3oirdie, Chancil-
lar, ffand and delyuerit the perfonis enterit on pannell and perfewit, to be clan-
geit, innocent and acquit, of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchter and mur-
thoiu'e of vmq^e Alexander Stewart of Schuittingleis, fchot with ane poyfonit
bullet : * And of the convocatioun of our fouerane loirdis liegis, bodin with cul-
veringis, piftolettis, jakis, fperis, fteilbonnettis and vtheris wappinnis invafme,
incontrair the tennour of the Actis of Parliament : And ficlyke, of vmbefetting
of the hie way to William Lord Ruthvene, Thefaurer, invading of him and his
feruandis being in his cumpanie, for thair flauchteris : With the haill circtim-
ftauces thairof libellit, committit vpoun the fyi'ft day of November laftbypaft,
vpoun fett pm'pois, provifioun, auld feid and foirthocht fellonye.
Eftir the pronunceing and declaratiouu quhairof, the perfonis on pannell alkit
inftrumentis, and proteftit for thair tefi:imoniall.
Dec. 23. — ^WiLLiAME Lord Ruthvene, (Lord High Thefaurer of
Scotland,) James Ruthvene, Alexander Ruthvene, James
Ruthvene, callit SivcuMims Jame, &c. (feventy-nine others.)
Dilatit of airt and pairt of the crewall flauchter of vmq'" Johnne Buchane ;
committit vpoun the fja-ft day of Nouember laftbypaft ; and vtheris crymes,
contenit in the fvmmiondis.
Pheloquitouris for the pannell. Peusewaris.
My Lord Barnbarroeh, The Laird of Traquair, Laurence Lord Oliphant,
Mr Alexander Syme, Mr Dauid M'Gill, William Now, officiar,
Mr Johnne Ruffell, The Laird of Kelwod. Mr Robert Creychtoun, Aduocat, pro rege.
Mr Robert Creychtoun, Advocat, produceit ane Precei)t fubfcryuit be the
Kingis Maieftie and twa of his hienes Previe Couniell, direct to him, chairgeing
him to infift in the perfute of the perfonis enterit on pannell, &c. ; quhilk Pre-
cept he requyrit to be regiftrat, quhairof the tennoure followis.
Justice, Juftice Clark and 30ure deputtis, and Aduocatt : It is our will and we command 50W, that
incontinent eftir fycht heiiof, 58 oure Aduocatt perfew pe Lord Ruthvene, vpoime fe lettres riflin
' This is the only instance in the Record of poisoned bullets having been made use of in Scotland.

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