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fchamefuU offencis committit be fame in nianer foiilaid ; feing fe laid Hew, eftii- pat lie liad biokiu J^e
lokkis of ]>e laid tour jett, to follow on Iiorleback, for recoueiing of his laid black hors ; and cuming
to pe faid place of Tliridpart, quhairin be was aduerteift fat fai war enterit with fe famin hors, fe
faid Hew having depefcheit' his tiia leruandis, qidiilkis onlie he had with him at fat tyme, to viffie
and f'e about f e laid place of Thridpart, gif his faid hors was careit ony farder away or nocbt, and he
his felf lycbtand his alane at fe ■^et fairof, to fe gif bis faid hors bad bene fail-; the faid Johnne
Muntgumrie and fe faid vmq'" Gabriell his broder, liaifing lene ane reddye occafioun and tyme con-
uenient to fame to execut fair foirfaid creuell intent and wickit interpryis, befoir confauit and pre-
cogitate be fame, and to defend fair fcbamefull anil thiftuous deidis foirfaidis, and to poffes fe geir
conqueift be ])ame as faid is, mett fe faid Hew at fe 3ett of fe faid place of Tliridi)art, with piltu-
lettis and drawin fwerdis in fair bandis, and fair f'ett vpoun him, and fchamefullie, crewallie, and V7i-
mercifullie, alfweill befoir his face as behind his bak, invadit him for his flaucbter, and hurt and
woundit him on )iis fillettis,'^ behind his bak, and diuers rtheris partis of his bodye, to f e grit effufioun
of his blude, and left him lyand for deid ; and had nocbt faillit to baif bled to deid, wernocbt^ fe grace
of God and gude neychtbouris, fat come and careit him banie in plaiddis to his laid duelling place.
And, for fe niair bettir peformance of fe faid Johne Muntgumreis evill will and confauit hatrent,
aganis fe faid Hew, feing be Goddis grace he mycbt nocbt perforrae f e famin of befoir, lie fan im-
mediatlie faiieftir refiauit fe faid Robert Kent in hous with him, with fe recent bludie hand ; and lies
continewallie, fenfyne, retenit and retenis him in his companie and houfliald ; to f e effect fat he may
get his foirfaid wickit interprj-is of f e faid Hewis ilaucbtir mair eafelie performit : Lykeas, vpoun fe
xxvj day of Augufl laftbypaft, fe laid Johne Muntgumrie of Scottifloun, accumpaneit with fe faid
Robert Kent and Walter Muntgumrie, his broder, bodin in feir of weir* with jakkis, piftulettis, fwerdis,
buklaris, fteil-bonettis, and vtheris wappinis, invqfiue, come be way of Hamefuckin to fe landis of
Nethirtoun of Hefilheid, and fercheit and focht him fairat for his Ilaucbtir ; and becaus fai culd nocbt
apprehend him fairat, thai apprehendit James Paterfoun liis feruand, kepand his hors yairvpoun, and
chaifl him furth of fe faidis landis to f e faid Hewis place of Helilbeid, to f e effect fat in cais be had
cumit furth of fe famin for bis releif, fat fai mycbt baif bereft him of his lyfe. And fairthrow, fe
faidis Johne Muntgumrie of Scottilloun, Walter Muntgumrie, his broder, and Robert Kent, committand
oppin, manifeft and vyld oppreffioun vpoun ])e faid Marioun, and crewall bludelhedding vpoun f e faid
Hew, vpoun fett purpois, prouilioun, foirthocht fellonye, precogitate malice, and Hamefuckin*; and
alfua thift and reffett fairof, in maner aboue written. As f e faidis lettres at lenth beris.
Persewaris. Prelocutour, in perfute of the haill crynies
Marioun Sempill, Ladye Halilheid, lybellit, except the thift.
Mr Robert Creychtoun, aduocate. Johnne Sempill of Beltreis.
Prelocutouris, Prelocutouris, in defence of the laid Robert
in perfute of tlie faid Robert for the haill crymes for the haill crynies, except the thift lybellit.
lybellit. Johnne Muntgumrie of Scottilloun,
Mr Robert Muntgumrie, capitane, Eduard Maxwell of Tynwall, Mr Alex. Skene,
The Lard of Braidftane. Gabriell Sempill, yoiuiger of Catbcart.
The faidis prelocutouris, in defence of the faid Robert Kent, alkit inftru-
mentis, that thai will nocht infift in his defence, for the thift lybellit, hot for the
remanent crymes onlie.
The faid Robert Kent tuke inftrumentis, that Marioun Sempill, Ladye Hefil-
' Dispatched, dcspeschcr. Old Fr. 2 The fleshy part of the thigh, next the loin ; Fr.Jilet, so termed from the num-
ber of sinews whicli that part covers. The word is still in us2 in a certain sense, e.g. a fillet of veal. ^ Had it not been
for the grace, &c. * In warlike array.

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