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20 Mar. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 415
(Mar. 16.) — Tlie Jiiftice-priiicipall being prelent, ^irch'ihalil Naper of JMer-
chinjhne maid faj'th in jugLMiient that he luld vie ]je office of Juflice deputrie
lelilie and trewlie, as efferis. — Continued to Mar. 26 ; William Cranftoue of that
Ilk cautioner.'
Cfjtft rommittrt fin ait alUcjeK Stfiot antj iWinov.
Dec. 16. — James Guyld, indicted for Stealing, &c., as after fpecified.
Prelocutouris for the pannell,
Mr Thomas M'caljeaiie, Mr Alexander Sim, Mr Jhone Mofcrope, Mr Dauid jNIaitland, Archibald
Douglas of Kilfpindie, Andro Murray of Blakbarronye.
Persewaris, Neill Layng, Maifter George Hackett.
Continued to Dec. xxiij. — (Dec. 23.) — Mr Alexander Sym, as prelocutour
for James Guyld, beand callit to vnderlye |)e law vpone his lyff", allegit that he
is minor, within )je 5eiris of xviij ]jeir aid, as it may be conliderit be infpectione
of his face, lyik as he is in deid, and falbe profin gyff" neid beis ; and ])airfoir
aucht nocht to vnderly ane Aflyfe vpone his lyif, nor to thoilP jugement ])air-
upone, no])er^ be pe Commoun law, nor Municipale law, or vfe of Jiis realme.
And attour^ ])e barne him felff" is ydiot of natur, nor hes nocht J>e knawlege to
decerne fie perrell and fie feir of deid ;' and pairfoir aucht not for to vnderly ane
AfTyle, as faid is, of lyif: And forder, is lubdewit" to ane malancolius hvmour,
naturallie defcendand from his progenitouris, fwa Jjat he is mair defyrus to dee
nor to leif,' as be experience is notour, be famekill Jjat his fader exponed him
felff findre tymes to )?e pei'ell of deid, and wald haue drowned him felff in Jie
North Loch, wer nocht he wes releved fiairfra be nychtbouris ; and fyclyik
Maifter Walter Guyld, his fader brudei-, occupiit with J)e fame hvmour, flew him
felff' in Paris. And jjairfoir, ])e faid James, beand bayth minor, and approache-
aud mair to pupillaritie nor * maioritie, and occupiit with pe faid hvmour, mair
willing to de nor to leif, and haifand na cuyr° of deid, aucht not to vnderly fie
law for pe lybellit pretendit cryme, and aucht not to perife,'" fuppois he wald
peris, quia non auditiir per'ire volens. And eikis" allegeance, pat ])e fame boy
ranne findrie tymes nakit to Ingland, and left his claythis'" behind him ; and
fwa may be vnderftuid fiat he hes this faid hvmour, as faid is ; and offeris him to
preif \)e faid allegeance fufficientlie."
The Justice Findis, be luterlocutour, fiat fie faid mater fould pafs to Affyfe,
nochtwithftanding ony allegeance, becaufe of fie practik fene of befoir.
' No farther trace appears in the Record. It is probable that Remission had been obtained, or that
the case was remitted to the next Justice-aire. ' Suft'er. ^ Neither. "^ Moreover.
' Death. '' Subjected, liable to. ' To die than to live. ^ Than. ^ Care. Lat.
cura ; viz. reckless, indifterent, or careless of death. "^ Perish. '^ Adds. '"Clothes.
'^ This Trial has been selected chiefly on account of the remarkable phraseology employed by the pan-
nel's ' Prelocutour,' and from the curious enumeration of the articles stolen, as detailed in the Verdict.

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