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400 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1557-8.
^aailetrc — asrrafung into ti)t Cfitirfl) of 0t iHarij of tl)t 3loi»i8
for tlje ^InusTjtn' of ^tr ^rtev Cranstount, ^c.
Jun. 25. — Robert Scott in Bowhill, Pai-iili Clerk of St Mary de
Forefta, with confent of Mr Henry Lander, Qneen's Advocate, was replegiated
by Sir John Scott, Chaplain and Coniniiffary of the Archbifliop of Glafgow, for
Convocation of the lieges to the number of 200 perfons, armed in warlike man-
ner, and coming to the Chnrch of St Mary of the Lowis, and breaking up the
doors thereof, and fearching for Sir Peter Cranftoune therein for his Slaughter,
upon ancient feud and forethought felony ; committed on Apr. 16 laft. Robert
Scot of Bonyntoune became cautioner for adminiftration of juftice. — Robert
Scot of Allanehauche, Adam Scot of Burnefute, and William his fon, Thomas
Scot of Hanyng, Walter Scot, young Laird of Syntoune, Robert, William,
and James, his brothers, \A'^alter Scot, fon of William Scot of Hardane, James
Orbiftoune of that Ilk, Robert Scot of Thirleftane, Robert Scot of Howpaflate,
and feveral others, were amerciated for not appearing ; and were ordained to be
charged of new to underly the law, under the pain of rebellion, &c.
|^orse--strnItiT0 — CTommon C|)tft, ^r.
Jul. 26 Paul Andesoune' Convicted of art and part of the Stealing
and concealing from Thomas Cunnynghame, in Ledoune, of a ' forit balfonit
horfe,'" furth of the lands between Ledoune and Lethillieid ; committed on the
vigil of Whitfimday laft : And for Common theft of old and new. — Hanged.
CrrasonaliU Crafftriuntj; antj Corrtsjjpontjtiiti iotti) tfjc CBnglis]^, kt,
Jan. 7, 1557-8. — Symone Heryng Convicted of treafonably going to
the kingdom of England and to the Town of Berwik, five times, in the years
1554, 1555, 1556, and 1557, without Licence obtained from the Queen, the
Regents, or the Warden (of the Marches) : And for difclofing the fecrets of this
kingdom, in as far as he knew the fame, and giving his counfel, to the hurt of the
country and difturbance of the lieges thereof, to Sir Thomas Quhartoiui, Lord
QuHARTOUNE, (Wharton,) Englilliman, an enemy to Scotland, and to other Eng-
liflimen, the ancient enemies thereof, and receiving rewards from the faid Lord
Quhartoune and other Engliflimeu therefor. Item, for the treafouable making
and writing with his own hand, on July 3 laft, and delivering a Letter to John
Heryng, his fon, to carry to the Town of Berwick to the faid Lord Quhar-
toune, containing the jioints and treafons followhig, (le verho in verhum, viz.
' For newis, pir fchippis Jjat is cumit to Leyth is menne of weir and Scottis
' Perhaps Audeson or Adieson, now Addison. - A sorrel-coloured horse, which also
happened to be ' baiofonit,' or marked with white on the face.

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