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398 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1557.
Wille of Kirkhill ; Wille Grahame, callit fingand Willie ; Ade Armftrang of
Hairlaw, and Criftie Armiftrang, callit the Still, and Jjair complices, come to Jje
Winter-cleuch about mydnycht, and Jjair tuke away J)e hale gudis ' being ))air-
upoune, pertening to James Johnftoune, fader to ]>e faid Robert of fie Cottis,
extending to the nowmer of xij""" feheip and ])e keparis ]:)aii'of; and |?e affray^
cumand to })e eiris of \ie faidis perfonis, ]jai, for relkewing and I'ecouering of ]>&
faidis gudis, with pair feruandis and freindis, followit f)e drifts quhill' Jje faidxvj
day of Februar, at viij houris befor none, and red" ane pairt Jjairof ; and in
defald ' of fufficient power to follow for recouering of J)e reft of }jair gudis, war
conftrenyt to leif Jje perfute : And Jjanne maid })aim to cum fordwart fra ])e fray
to J)e day of Trew, quhill J>ai come to ])e Watter of Annand, quhilk was fa greit,
that \>d.i mycht noclit ride it ; and fiair remanit quhill ])ai gat fure word ]>ai J)E
Wardane was returnyt, and pe day of Trew I'chot."
JoHNE Jardane of Apilgarthe allegis, Jjat at J)e faid day of Trew he raid
to J)e AVatter of Annan to half paft fordwart with J)E Wardane to J)e day of
Trew, and Jjan J)e Watter was fa greit, Jiat he mycht nocht ride it without
danger of his life ; and gif he had paft about be ane vj)er way, and wald pafs
ony tyme cuming, he durft nocht, for feir of his inemys, without he had ane
grite cumpany with him.
aijitriitg: from ti^rlUiU at S^tjmalif n-stane.
Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburxe, William K. of Kirkmichaell,
and Thomas K. of Freirkerfe, got Remiffion from the Queen, dated at Ed', May
11 inftant, for abiding from the Army ordained to convene at Lochmaben-
STANE, on Feb. 16 laft, to meet the Warden before funrife, ' to pafs fordwart
with him to \>e day of Trew, for Meiting of Jje Wardane of Ingland.'
afiiiiins from fi^t 3aait( at Horijmabrn stanr.
May 14. — Alexander Stewarte of Garleise, John Dunbar of
Mochrame, John Gordoime of Barfkeoche, John INrculIoch of Torhoufe, John
Jardane of Apilgerth, Robert Moffett fenior and junior of Grantoune, Thomas
Moffet of Knok, Robert Johnneftoune of Coittis, and John Creychtoune, Tutour
of Sanchare, found caution " to underiy the law at the next Aire of Dumfreis,
for Abiding from the Queen's Army ordained to convene atLochmabene-ftane,&c.
^rarrljtnig; for ©oucjlas of i^ilsphttri) for i)ls ^laug^ter.
May 19. — John Diksoune of Belchester, and Robert Diklbune of
' Stock of sheep. '• Twelve score. ^ Hue and cry. * Drove, or flock. ^ Until.
^ In this sense it means recovered. " Default. * Expired ; past. ^ John Gordoune
of Lochinver, Murray of Cokpule, and William Kirkpatrick of Kirkmichaell.

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