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380 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1555.
ingtoune, Capitane {'gra.') ' ; Thomas Man in Northphok, borne within ]3e toune
of Elfin,' and twenty-feven others, {'gra.') Coxa'icted by an Affife,' chofen
and fworn by their own confeut, of Piracy and Oppi'effion done to the Queen's
liege fiibjects, and to others, foreigners, in friendfhip and league with this king-
dom, and navigating hither ; and of coming upon them with a certain armed
vefTel called ' Kait of Lynne' at the times relpectively following, in her
Majefty's feas, whilft the faid lieges were making for the harbour of Leith, and
by piratical force boarding their veffels, and reiving and fpoiling them of the
goods under fpecified, viz. On Jun. 23 laft, furth of ' ane hulk' of the town of
Stateyne, then being in the harbour of Leith, a rope or ' kabill' containing 90
' fadummis,' three or four ' piftolettis,' together with certain failor's dreffes and
canvafs : Item, on Jun. 25 laft, furth of a fliip belonging to Robert Orknay,
Scotfman, 34 ' boundis'^ of hemp,'' feven barrels of the fineft flour,' with nine
pieces of wax : Item, on Jun. 20 laft, of a fliip of Adam Nycholfoune, in which
Mr George Halkheid was for the time, twenty pieces of ' fatyne' and ' dammefe :"'
Which goods the laid ])erlbns judicially Confefled that they had ftolen, and that
they had fitted out their armed lliip without any Licence or protection from
their Prince, contrary to the common law of Nations. — Sentence. That they
fhall be hanged as Pirates : And that their fliip, Avith the forefaid goods, and
all that was therein at the time of capturing the fame, fliall be efcheated to the
List of t/ie other Pirates, ivifh their punishment or acquittal.
John Hupgame, borne in Northphok, and now duelland in Lyn, (Su/pen.^ ; Thomas Baxter, borne
in Newcaftell, now duelland in Lyn, (^Sufpen.) ; Edinond Williamefone, in jorkfehire, borne in Kirk-
bemorfyde,"' duelland in Twedmond, in Northumberland, (^Gra.); Anthony Fitteplace, borne in Wel-
fchire, now in Derrick, (Gra.) ; George Barrat, in Vngle, in Northhantounfchire, now in Northhame,
(Gra.) ; Johnne Wifdome, borne in Anglifterry-hill, within v myle to Brifto, now foldiour in Berwik,
(Siijpen.) ; Williame Piince, borne in Birkinfthire, now in Berwik, (Gra.) ; James Golf,** borne in
Hamfchyre, now in Berwik, ( Gra.) ; Phillope Withelak, borne in Denlchire, now in Berwick, ( Gra.) ;
Johnne Neillwing, borne in Northphok, now in Lyn, (Sufpen.) ; Nycholace Phillope, borne in Lyn-
cumfchire, within ]ie toune of Bowftoune, in Lyn, (Sufpen.) ; Matliow Crosfurde, borne in jorkfchire,
now in Lyn, (Sit/pen.) ; Williame Vnthane, borne in Hartfurdefchire, now in Berwik, (Gra.) ; Ed-
ward Wrycht, borne in Liftcrfchire, now in Berwik, (Gra.); Robert Ra, borne in Carlile, now in
Berwik, (Gra.); Robert Swentoune, borne in jorkfchire, now in Berwik, (Gra.); Williame Boui-
fchaw, borne in Tynebriche, in Kentfchire, now in Berwik, (Gra.) ; Williame Lamb, borne in Gloif-
tevfclure, now in Berwik, ( Gra.) ; Edward Campbell, borne in Newcaftell, now pair, ( Gra.) ; Johnne
Hall, borne in Northphokfchire, now in Hunftoune, (Sufpen.); Rolland Kaif, borne in Lundoun-
' The enumeration and description of these pannels arc so remarkable, that it has been thought proper to append
them to the Trial in a smaller type. Prefixed to each name on tlie margin is the word ' Suspen.' or ' Gra.' (gratia),
the first denoting those who were Hanged, and the latter those who were afterwards Pardoned, or their sentence
commuted. The two last, being Minors, were not convicted. , ' With the exception of William Lynlythgow of
Drygrance, they were burgesses and residenters in Edinburgh and Leith. = Bundles? ■■ C«'nff/i!s (canna-
bis?) '' Purine siliginis. Pliny uses farina siligima in this sense, though silitio denoted an inferior or light sort of
corn, yielding less nutriment than wheat. ' Satin and damask. ' Kirki)v-on-the-rauir-side? * Gough ?

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