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17 Jac. V. CRIMINAL TRIALS. * 145
quliit reprefleil. Quliaiifor the KiNOcaufid bang, fe 18of May, Williame Cokbitrne of Hinderland,
and Adame Scott of Tu/'c/iilaw, Theivis appreliendit, in Ed', to tenifie wtheris.' But the Original of
Bishop Lesley's^ History is rather more explicit. ' In the famyn moneth of May, the xtj day, thair
wes ane greit conventioun of the Lordis with the Ki kg, in Edinburgh ; and the King hinifelfprelentlie
fittaud in judgement. The Laird of Hinderland, callit Cohburn, and Adame Scot of Tiifchelaw, quha
wes callit King of Theivis, was acculet of Thift, refett and maineteyning of Thevis, llauchter, and
uther crymes, and convict thairfor and heidit ; and their heidis fixit upoun the Tolbuith of Edinburg.' ^
Without citing farther extracts, in this place, reference may be made to the Notice prefixed to the
following article, where some interesting particulars are preserved in connexion with the fame fubject.]
May 16. — William Cokbuiine of Henderland, Convicted (in prefence
of THE King) of High Treafon committed by him, in bringing Alexander
Foreftare and his fon, Englifliinen, to the phmdering of Archibald Someruile :
And for treafonably bringing certain Engliflimen to the Lands of Glenquhorae :
And for common Theft, common Refet of Theft, outputting and inputting
thereof. — Sentence. For which caufes and crimes he has fforfeited his life,
lands, and goods, moveable and immoveable ; vrhich fliall be efcheated to the
King. — Beheaded.
The following Original Warrant was found among the loose papers belonging
to the Court, and is given here, as throwing farther light on the sequel to these
extraordinary transactions.
Justice Clerk, We grete 50W weill. Forfamekill as Williame Cokburne, lone and heir of vmq''=
Williame Cokburne of Hinderland, hes menit' him to ws, ))at he is havelie hurt throu ])e haifty jufty-
feing^ of his faid fader, and fforfalting of him Jiairthrow : And Jiairfore defyres to have pe autentik copy
of jiE Dome and Sentence gevin aganis his faid fader, and of all actis and proteftatiounis takin be
him at ]>at tyme ; fa fat he may prouide for fura remeid fairin. Quharfore, je fall geif to him,
vpoun his expenffis, ]>e autentik copy of fe Dome, Sentence, and procefs led and gevin aganis his faid
fader in nianer foirfaid, to ))e effect abone writtin. As 56 will anfuere to ws Jiairupoune, kepand Jiis
Precept for 30ure Warrant. SuBScniuiT with oure hand. At Edinburgh, ]>e xxij day of Januar, the
5eire of God I"V«xlij 5eris. James G .'
Cafeins asiacft iMaill.
Mail 18. — Adaji Scot of Tulchelaw, Convicted of art and part of
theftuoufly taking Blaclc-muiU, from the time of his entry within the Caftle of
Edinburgh, in ^^'ard, from John Brovne in Hoprow : And of art and part of
theftuoufly taking lihick-maill irom Andrew Thorbrand and William his brother :
And for art and part of theftuoufly taking of Black-maill from the poor Tenants
of Hopcail5ow : And of art and part of theftuoufly taking Black-maill from the
Tenants of Efchefcheill. — Beheaded.
' Quarto, Printed for Bannatyne Club, 1830, p. 141. " Sir James Balfoiir also notices the
circumstance, but as is often the case in his Annals, gives a wrong date, viz. Jul. 27, and Calderwood's
MS. Church History makes the same mistake. ^ Complained. * Execution ; putting to
death. ^ James, Governor of Scotland, viz. James Earl of Arrax, Lord Hamilton, Regent.
VOL. 1. t T

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