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128 * CRIMINAL TRIALS. A.D. 1525.
LiDDiSDALE MENNE, EsKDALE, and EwiSDALE, })are wiffis and barnys, now
diielland within pe boundis of Tevidale, Ettrik-Forest, and boiindis adja-
cent Jjairto, and hald paim furth of J)e famyne in tyme to cum. And attour" pe
forfaidis pei'fonis hes bundin and oblift Jjame, and ilk ane of ])ame, for })ame felf,
vndir J)e pane of tinfale^ of lyfe, land, and guddis, ])at gyfe" oney of pave men,
kynnifemen, feruandis, tenentis, adherentis, affifteris, pairt-takaris, or duellis
within Jjare heritagis, rovmys, bayljeryis,* takis, or ftedings, committis ony tref-
pas, fie as Slachteris, Murtheris, Trefonis, Revifingis, Spulseis, Thifts, or vper
crymes, pe forfaidis perfonis fall bring in pe committeris ))airof befor pe faid
Lieutenent, or his deputis, to vndirly pe law for pe faid crimes ; jjai beand
requirit })airto, vponne xx dais ; or ellis, fall within pe faid xx dayis after ]?ai be
requirit, put pe faydis perfonis, Jjare wiffis, Jjare barnys, furth of pe cuntre, and
hald Jjaim furth of pe famin, and efchete pare gudis, to be deliuerit to pe pairti
dampnagit. And })is Baxd to endure quhill pe feift of Candilmes nixt to cum ;
and pe faid Act to be extendit anent Slachteris, pe committeris pairof beand put
to pe Home.
Attour, pe Lordis will and declaris ])at pe landit men and Heidifinen' of
Tevidale," Sherefdome of Selkirk, Ettrike Forrest, and boundis })aii'of,
now beand and abfent,' [' sail obferue and keip pe famin Band, ficlyke as and (//")
they had compeirit and obleifl thaim thairto' ] in every poynte, efter pe forme
and tenour ]3areof, and vndir pe panys contenit ])airintill.
In prefens of pe Lordis of Counfal comperit George Lord Hume, the Lard
of ColdoinlaioUis,^ the Lard of Policorthe, the Lard of Craujione, the Tutour of
Wedirbur)ie, the Tutour of Langtoune, the Lard of Siiyntone, and fuore J^at
J)ai fuld lelely" and trewly ferue Erll of Anghouse in pe officis of Wardenrie
and Lieutenery, with Jjame felffis, J)air kynne, freyndis, feruandis, men, tenentis,
and all pat pai may raife and ftere, quhen and quhat tymes J)ai falbe requirit be
him or his deputis pairto ; or fall ryde, gang, affift, and fuple Jje faid Erie, in
ftanching of Tliift, reiffis, flachtaris, and vper inconvenientis, and in pecifing of pe
cuntr^, exerciciouue of juftice, and furth-putting our foverane lordis auttorit^ :
And pairupone gaif pair bodely athis.
In prefens of pe Lordis of Counfale forfaid, comperit George Lord Hume, pe
Lard of Coldaineknollis, pe Lard of Polworthe, pe Lard of Coijlnj, pe Lard of
Suyntone, pe Tutour of Wederburue, pe Tutour of Langtone, of pare avn con-
fent Band and Obleft pame, and ilkaue of pame, to ryfe with pare kyne, freindis,
men, feruandis, pairt-takaris, and all pat will do for pame, with Archbald Erll
' Moreover. - Loss ; from the verb to tyne. ^ If. '' Bailiaries. ^ Chiefs, heads of Clans.
^ Teviotdale. ' There is an evident omission here. The words within brackets, whicli follow, are
supplied to fill up the sense, they being taken from another similar passage in this remarkable document.
* Hume of Cowdenknows. " Loyally.

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