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of the faid nnirtliouris and heirfcliippis : Anil fidyke, for the refTett and ioter-
fownioning with the Laird of M'greg-our and his complices that war at Glen-
frune, and i-effetting of thaine with the bludie hand, len the tynie foirfaid of the
faid heirfchip and Uauchteris.
Mungo Lyndfay of Balhill, Conftene Moiitoun, Uo'iert Bucliannane in Kippen,
Jolinne Budianiiane, burges of Hew Glen of Lyntliillis, Robert Bucliannane Walteifoune,
Dunibarten, Johnne Buntene of Aidoehe, Dougall W'^farlen in JNIuinagaue,
George Bucliannane in Ladrilth, Thomas Naper of Barriekynrayae, Walter Blair of Fynnecli,
Thomas Fallardaille, burges of Johnne Naper of Kihuahew, Dauid Haddeu (Haldene,) Tutour
Dumbarlen, Johnne Sempill of Foulvvoid, of Glennageis.
Verdict. The faid Aifyfe, all in ane voce, be the month of the faid Robert
Bucliannane Walterfoune, ffand, proniincet and detiairit the faidis fyve perfones
to be flylet, culpable and convict of the haill crymes aboue Ipecifeit.
Sentence. And thairfoir, the Juftice-dei)ute, be the mouth of Robert
Scott, dempftar of Court, decernit and ordanit the faidis jjerfones to be tane to
the galloufe of the BiuTow-mure of Edinburghe, and thairupoune to be hangit
quliill thay be deid ; and thair haill moveable guidis to be efcheit and inbrocht
to his hienes vfe, as convict of the faidis crymes.
CI)tft — iKtsrt of llaiiiJ of iHar<^rfti;ov — * dfieltJ of <^Itnfnmc/ ^c.
Mar. 2. — Malcolme M'coull cleric h (M'cherich,) in Inuerloch-
larg ; Duncan M^fadrik Vcoull Chere, in Innerlochlarg, vnder
the Laird of Tulliebardin ; Johnne M^covxll Chere, in the Bray
of Balquhidder, and Xeill M'Williame V'A^eill.
Dilaitit of certane poyntis of Thift ; and for Intercowmoning with vmq'" the
Laird of IM'gregour, fen the Raid of Glenfv\me,yiz.{l.) JIalcoIii/e JJ'cotdl Clerichc
{Cher'iche,) flbr airt and pairt, and being on the grundis at the crewall Slauchter
of vmq''' Hew Stewart, ferveand to my Lord Athole ; committit threttie yeir
fyne, or thairby. Iteji, for airt and pairt of the flauchter of vmq'" Patrik
M'gregour, in Glenbokie ; committit in the moneth of September, the yeir of
God VX". threfcoir faxtene yeiris. Item, for geving of counfall to vmq'" the
Laird of Makgregour, his kj-n andjreindis, to jjas fordward agauis the Laird of
Lufe to Glenfrune ;' and for convoying" the faid Laiixl of M'^gregour agaitwart^
to the fyd of Lochloun, afoir the ffeild : And for airt and pairt of the Uauchteris
and heirfchipis committit at Glenfrune be the faid Laird of M'gregour and his
complices, in the moneth of Februare 1603 yeiris. Iteji, for the treffonable
Intercowmoning with the faid Laird of M'gregour, and RefTett of him and his
freindis and pairtakeris that war at the ffeild of Glenfrune, and geviug of thame
herbrie, help and fupplie, in meit, drink and bedding, wittinglie and willinglie,
1 See Jan. 20, 1604. ^ Escorting. ' On the way or gait.

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