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(26) Page xviii -
Argadie of Argyll slayne. Ethodius
ane grit hunter and luifFer of mwsik.
He wes slayne be a harper in the
20 Satrahell crounit 194. Eingit 4.
DoNALDUs I. crounit 197. Ringit 21.
Septhemeiiis Severus dies at York.
Ethodids II. crounit 216. Ringit 16.
31 Atherco crounit 232. Ringit 22. Na-
tholacus Lord of Argyll. Atherco
slew himself for displeasour of his de-
Natholacus crounit 242. Ringit 11.
Murdreist be ane of his domestikis
callit Murray.
22 FiNDocus crounit 253. RingitlOyeiris.
Slayne at huntting be tua tratouris.
DoxALDUs II. crounit 263. Ringit 2.
The name of Culdeis hes thair be-
ginning heir.
DoNALDus III. crounit 265. Ringit
12. Crathlintus is fosterit be ane pure
23 Crathlintus crounit 287. Ringit 24.
The leag betuix Scotland and Pechis
quhilk had been renewed. Daysius
Empriour defeatt by Scottis, — and
Romanis put off" Brittane, efter they
24 payit tribut. The first Bischop of
FiNCOKMACUs crounit 322. Ringit 47.
The Gift of Vestmuirland. The Yr-
land men resaue the feyth of Jesus
Cryst that yeir.
25 RoMAcns crounit 358. Ringit 3.
Angusanus crounit 361. Ringit 2.
Fethelmaccs crounit 363. Ringit 3.
He is slayne in the nycht be ane har-
per, ane fengj'eit tratour.
26 EuGENius I. crounit 366. Ringit 3.
28 Fergus II. crounit 422. Ringit 9.
The Graham dyk brokine be the pre-
dicessour callit Grahame.
29 EuGEKius II. crounit 430. Ringit 30.
30 Brittanis randerit tributteris to the
Scottis and Pechis, and conqueist be
thame, the yeir 496, efter thay had
begane to pay tributt to Cesar, a. d.
436. Palladius the first Bischop in
Scotland; Patricius in Yrland. The 31
lyfT of Finmacull, ane gentilman of
gude name.
DoxGARDus crounit 461. Ringit 5.
The slachter of the King of Scottis,
Dongardus, with fyfteine thousand
CoNsTANTiasI. crounit 465. Ringit 17.
Constantius quittis the tributt to the 32
Brittanis, and forhisewill behaviour
slayne be the Lord of the Yllis.
CoNGALLCs crounit 482. Ringit 20.
CoxRANDS crounit 500. Ringit 33.
Pendragon and King Arthour Kingis
of Brittane, is assistit be the Scottis.
EtiGEXius III. crounit 535. Ringit
34. Nota of landis and tounis. The 33
first glffing of armis to subiectis.
CoNVALLus crounit 568. Ringit 10.
The first time that the Crosse wes
KiNNATiLLDs crounit 578. Ringit 1.
AiDANUS crounit 580. Ringit 25. Gal-
loway, Loquhaber, and Caitnis sett
for Justeiss.
Kexnethus Keie crounit 606. Ring- 34
EuGENius IV. crounit 606. Ringit 15.
Ebba, dochter to the King of Nor-
thumberland, is baneist in Scotland
vith hir sewin breder.
FfiRauHAEDus crounit 622. Ringit 12. 35
He deis in prissone.
DoNEVALDUs, or Don ALDUS IV. crou-
nit 632. Ringit 17. The grittest
number off Kingis that ewer wes in
Brittain. Twa breder of Eufreidus
put in prissone.
Ferquhardus crounit 646. Ringit 36
Malduixus crounit 664. Ringit 20.
The first gritt plage of Pest that
come in Scotland.
El'genius V. crounit 684. Ringit 4.
Ewfredus King of Northumberland
is slayne in Galloway, and xx thou-
sand pepill. Sanct Cudbartt. 37

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