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Makand thame equale with the hevynnys hie :
Quham, finaly, thar ardent gret boiite
And foueran vertu, fpred fa far onbred is,
Eftir innumerabill fa feill douchty dedis,
5 Sail mak thame Goddis, and thame deify,
And thame vpheis full hie abufe the fky.
This flambe of fyre the wirfchip and renovn
Doith fignyfy of thy fucceffioun ;
The God almychty from his ftarrit hevin
1 Has fchawin tliarfor this fyng of fyry levin :
Tharfor, in recompens of fykkyn thyng,
And famekill wirfchip of hir fal fpring.
This cite, quhilk thou clofys with a wall,
Eftir thy fpowfis name clepe thou fall.
15 And forthir eyk, the Goddis quhom thou hynt
Of Troy, that tyme quhen it in fiambys brynt,
Penates, or the Goddis domelticall,
Thou fet alffo within the fammyn wall :
Tharin thou gar thame foyn be brocht in hy,
20 In hie honour and tyme perpetualy
Thar to remane, eternally to dwell.
I fall to the of thame a wonder tell ;
Thai fall fa ftrangly luf this new cyte,
That, gyf thame happynys careit for tobe
25 Tyll ony otlier fted or place tharby.
All be thame felf agane full haftely
Thai fall return to this ilk town of thyne.
That thou beildis in boundis of kyng Latyn :
3a, quhou oft fys that thai away be tayn,
30 Thai fal return haymwart agane ilkane.

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