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Tlian this ilk fouerane and mafte douchty man.
Eneas, for to found hys town began :
Fyrft gan he mark and cirkill with a pleuch
Quhar the wallys fukl Hand, thar drew a fewch :
5 Syne Troianys fundis tenementis for thame felf,
And gan the fowceis and the dichis delf.
Bot lo, onon, a wonder thing to tell !
Ane huge bleys of flambys braid doun fell
Furth of the clowdis, at the left hand ftraucht,
1 In maner of a lychtnjTig or fyre flaucht,
And dyd alicht rycht in the fammyn fled
Apon the crown of fair Lavinias bed ;
And fra thyne hie vp in the lyft agane
It glaid away, and tharin dyd remane.
15 The fader Eneas aftonyft wolx fum deill,
Defyrus this fyng fuld betakyn feill ;
Hys handis baith vphevis towartis hevin,
And thus gan mak hys boyn with myld ftevin :
O Jupiter, gif euer ony tyme, faid he,
20 The Troian pepill, baith by land and fee,
Thyne admonitions, command, and impyre,
Obeyt has, page, man, or fyre ;
Or gif that I gour power and godhed
Dred, and adornyt intyll ony fted
25 ^^'^J' altaris, or ony wirfchip dyd tharto ;
And be that thyng git reftis for to do,
Gif ony thyng behynd git doith remane ;
With this gour happy takyn augurian
3eld ws gour plefand reft and ferm pes,
30 Mak end of all our harmys, and caus thame ces..

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