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With hie vocis and with lowd cryis
Lovit and born vpheich abufe the fkyis.
Befor thame all mafte gracius Eneas
Hys handis twa, as tho the cuftum was,
5 Towart the hevyn gan vplift and arays,
And fyne the child Afcanyus dyd enbras,
Sayand a few wordis, that all niycht heir :
thou my fon and only child mail deir,
In quham only reftis thy faderis beleve,
1 Quham throu famony laubouris of myfcheve
1 careit haue, catchit full mony gatis
Be the hard fortoun and the frawart fatis,
Lo, now our reft and quyet fund for ay !
Lo, now the laft and maift defyrit day,
] j To mak end of our harmys and diftres !
Our paynfull laubour paflit is expres :
Lo, the acceptabill day for euermor,
Quhilk I full oft haue fcha\vin the befor,
Quhen ontill hard bargan callit was I,
20 This was tocum and betyd by and by
Be difpofitioun of the Goddys abufe.
And now, my derreft child, for thy behufe,
To morn, foyn as Aurora walxis red.
To the cite of La^v^ent, that ryall fted,
25 I fall the fend, as vidor with ovirhand,
Tobe maftir and to maynteym this land.
And eftir this he turnyt hym agane
Onto hys folkis and the pepill Troian,
And from the boddum of hys breift weill law
30 With foft fpech furth gan thir wordis draw :

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