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A buftuus fchaft witli that he grippyt has.
And incontrar hys aduerlaris gan tay*,
Quhilk flaM' towartis Meonyus fait by :
Owt throw the fcheikl platit witli fteill in hy
■5 Dufchyt the dynt, and throw the corflettis glydis,
Gyrd throw the coft perfyng baith the lydis.
Onto hyni ftartis Alcanor, Ijys brothir,
To beir hym vp, qulien that he faw hym fchuddir,
With hys rycht arm, bot throw hys gardy tone
10 The grundyu hed and bludy fchaft ar done,
Furth haldand the lelf randoun as it went ;
The ryght arm, from the fchulder al to rent,
Apon the mankyt fennonys hyngis by.
As impotent, quyte lamyt, and dedly.
1 5 Than Numytor furth of hys brotheris corps
Ruggis the trunfchoun, and with all hys fors
It fwakkis at Ene ; bot he na mycht
Had till attane ne wond the nobill knycht :
3yt with the dynt the gret Achates thee
20 He hurt and flrengeit has a litill wee.
With this come Clawfus, full of valfalage,
Confidand iu hys gouth and florift age,
The Curytanys with liym brocht in the pres,
And with a lang ftyf fpeir ane Dryopes
25 Smate in the hals, vnder the chyn, fa fair
That hym byreft was in the place rycht thar
Baith voce and fpreit of lyfe ; and that na wondir
For hys nek bayn and throte war carf in fondir,
That doun he dulchys with a felloun rerd,
SO Quhil that hys forret rafchit on the erd.

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