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ducit,—To ]?at it is that ]’e samy« is includit in ]?e generaU
cans of vaca^’oun, as als ]>e said se«te«ce of baratrie is ane of }>e
causfi spe«'allie expressit in J?e /rovvisioun of vmq&yhle bischope
lames boyde, ouv predecessowr ; (viii) Item, to }>e last eik berand ane
ans^r to ]?e reply maid to ]?e defendaris eik, /wducit of befoir, I
repeitt }>e said reply or answer maid to ]?e said eik maid befoir as ane
sufficient ansz^r heirto. § 53. And last of all, It was replyit to ]?e last
reformit eikis proponit for ])e pairt of }>e said Alexander, That }>e first
pre/endh eik ]?erof, foundit vpoun ane allejf/t co/nmissioun of am-
bassadrie gewin to bischope lames betoun, qn^flk tacite importis, as
the defandar wald meane, ane gracious restitutioun, That ]>e said eik
is onlie bot ane repeti/foun of pat qu/iilk was alleg'd and decydit in
pe pnncipaW defensfi; And ]wfoir pe persewar repeittis his answer
maid to pat pairt of ]re princ/^all excep/fonis, as ane sufficient answr
heirto. § 54. Secundlie, pe secund pr^ndit eik is lyikwayis decydit
befoir, for }>e defendar hes done na mair in pir last eikis bot repeittit
his principall defensfi, and maid tua eikis of pat quhilk was ane
defence befoir, and Jwfoir pe persewar lyikwayis repeittis his former
ansuerls maid perto. § 55. And qu/ier pe defendar in pe said last eik
wald meane pat pe said bischope Ia;«es betoun is fund be the lordw
of sessioun to haiwe bein fullie anis restoirit, It is ansz^rit perto pat
pe contrar is manfest be pe decisioun of the lordz>/wducit in proees,
and decreittis gewin aganis pe said bischope lames betoun at pe
persewaris instance; Lyik as pe persewar offeris him to preiwe, giff
neid beis, pat in pe proces of dubill punding, qzz^rvpoun pe last
decreitt proceidit, qufolk now is lyand in proces, pe said alleagawce
of bischope betonis restitutioun was/rr>ponit & repellit be pe lordis
of sessioun ; As alsua be expres act of parliament producit lyikwayis
in proces, it is fund pat }?e benefite of restitu/zoun was neuer extendit
to pe said bischope lames betoun, nor to na vj^ris quha hes nocht
gewin confessioun of pair iayth ; for albeit pe said act of restitutioun
war extendit gm^rallie to all p^'sonis, Jit it is euer w/t/z pepromsloxm
& cau/zbun contenit in pe first act of pacifica/zbun, ratifeit in pe said
Ixxxvij Jeir of god, To wit, pai sail geiwe confessioun of J>air fayt^
etc., Sua pat albeit all pzzrsonis war restoirit wzt& pat prouisioun, Jit
nane can inioy pe benefite of pe said restitu/zbun qzz^zll pai fulfill pe
said prowisioun in sic soirt pat, albeit ]:>e said kischope lanzes betoun
war noc^t exceptitfurt/z of )>e said pacifica/zbun bot coznprehendit vndz’r
]?e samyn, jit he culd neuer clame pe benefite peroi befoir he geiwe pe
cozzfessioun of his fayt&; And giff he wald conzpeir pr^ntlie and
geiwe confessioun in pat caice, it myzr^t be pat he myr^t inioy ]je
benefite of pe said act of pacifica/zbzzn, vpmvayis nozr^t, as at mair
lent^ is contenit in pe anszzms maid to pe first excep/zbnis. In
respect qzz/zz?rof pe said pra'zmdit secund eik auc^t to be repellit, As
pe saidis replyis maid to }>e saidis excep/zbnis and eikis respective
in J>ame selff at lent6 beris.—Qzz/zzlkzr replyis, with ]?e poynttis of

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