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betonis not foirfaltoz/r is ius tertii, answms, it is exclusum iuris
agentisj and quhidder ]?e excipient hes rychi fra bischope betoun or
nof/zt, the persewar can neuer be hard to reduce his pensioun. § 26.
And quhair in ]?e thrid pairt of \>e said reply, ]>e persewar offerit him
to preiwe, }>at }>e caus of \>e vaca/zoun of }>e benefice of glasgow
procedit nocAt onlie becaus of ]?e foirfaltozzr, bot also of }>e baratrie,
Jozzr \ordskips can ressaiwe na vther proba/zbun by J>e persewaris
prowisioun producit. § 27. As to }>e last pairt of }>e reply, first, anent
J>e decreitt of ]?e secreitt counsall, to wit, ])at it was decernit in J>e
persewaris fauom J)at he suld be anszz^rit and obeyit of )?e fruittis of
}>e said archiebischoprik ay and qzz^z'U bischope betoun war restoirit,
}>e excipiezzt ansueris tua thingis : ffirst, }>e secreitt counsell war nozr^t
iudges competent to decyid in ony sic caus; next, res inter alios acta
and can noc^t preiudge }>e excipient. § 28. The samyzz anszz^r is
repeittit aganis ]?e last decreitt of )>e sessioun, qzz/zzlk is also gewin
for nozz cozzzperance, na pairteis xych\. tryit, And far les can be vsit as
ane argument aganis }>e excipient, quha neuer cozzzperit to tak away
his prowisioun. § 29. In respectt of the quAilkis premisfi, absolui-
towr man be gewin fra }>e saidzV suzzzmuzzdis of reductioun, protesting
in caice ^ozzr \ordsAips do in Jze zrozztrair for reductioun of J>e proces,
nullitie perof, remeid of law, tyme, and place. § 30. And last of all,
in J>e last eikit reformit excepz'zbnis proponit for pe pairt of ]?e said
Alexazzzfer, It was exceptit and allegit, J?at j^e said Alexander aucht to
be simplzVzbzr assoiljeit frome pe said pzr/<?ndit precept of reduc&bun,
becaus It is of veritie pat, giff ony rycAt or title pe persewar hes to
}ie benefice and bischoprik of glasgow, ]?e samyzz is throwche and
be pe deceis of vmquAile bischope lames boyde, or inhabilitie of
bischope betoun, qzzMk bischope boyde was lyikwayis prowydit be
}?e inhabilitie of bischope betoun, qzz^zlk bischope betoun was onlie
maid vnhabzle to bruik pe said benefice throwch proces and sentence
of baratrie, led and deducit aganis him vpoun pe xix day of Septem¬
ber, Imvclxx° 3eiris, Be ]:>e quAilk pe said bischope is deczzmit and
•declairit to haiwe incurrit pe panis of prescrip&bun, and his benefice
of pe said archiebischoprie of glasgow to vaik, conforme to pe act
of parliamezzt—qzzMk sentence being tane away, pe persewaris ryc^t
of all necessitie man fall. § 31. And trew it is pat pe said sentence
of baratrie is tane away, in sua far as sen pe gewizzg perof, videlicet,
in ]?e Jeir of god Imvclxxxvij 3eiris, our said souerane lord gaiwe and
grantit full cozzzmissioun to ]?e said bischope betoun to trawell in his
malesteis efifairis with foraine natiounis and princis, makand and cozz-
stitutand pe said bischope his maiesteis ambassadozzr, qzz/zzlk cozzz-
missioun is ane sufficient ground and caus to tak away ]ze said
decreitt of baratrie, in sua far as ]?e said decreitt is gewin and pro-
nuzzcit allanerlie aganis the said archiebischope for his departure and
remanizzg furt^ of pe cuzztrie wztAout cure souerane lordis licence,
and nor^t returnizzg to pe samyzz, being chairgit to pat effect; qzz^zlkis

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