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nawayis be extendit to ]>e said archiebischope, na mair than he had
bein suche ane persoun as had maid c<wfessioun of his fayt^, and
acknowledgit J?e kingis maif-rteis &ulhorit'\e, quhilk in effect he hes
done, in sua far as j>e kingis mai^tie hes dispensit \ervii\h in maner
foirsaid. § 15. To the quki\k It was eikit: Last, the said alexaw^r
aucht to be simplza'Ar assoil3eit fra ]?e said pr^ndit precept and
haill rwztezztis ]>ero{, and ]?e persewar can haiwe na entres to persew
reducAbun of }>e said Alexander his gift, Becaus It is of veritie }>at,
giff ony rycAt ]?e persewar can pretend to ]>e said bischoprik of
glasgow, the samyw is as prowydit Jwto be deceis of vmqu/iile
bischope boyde, or J^an be the foirfaltorie of bischope betoun ; And
trew it is }>at }?e said benefice neuer vaikit be }>e foirfaltorie of
bischope lames betoun, nather ]pe tyme J>at )?e persewar was
prowydit, nor 3k his predecessozzr, In respect pe said bischope
betoun was neuer as 3k foirfalt; § 16. And albeit pair was sentence
of.baratrie gewin and pronuzzcit aganis him, jit it is trew pat
nather pe persewar nor his predecessozzr, was prowydit to pe said
archiebischoprie as vacand throwr/zt pe said sentence of baratrie;
And albeit thay or ather of pame had bein prowydit on pat maner,
3k pe said sentence fall in and being tane away, pe perse waris
prowisioun, grantit to him throwr/zt pe deceis of vmqzz^z'le bischope
lames boyde, quha was prowydit throwzv^t pe inhabilitie of pe said
vmqzz/zzle bischope betoun of necessitie man fall; And trew it is pat
pe said sentence and effect pmk is tane away, in sua far as sen pe
gewing pz?7-of, viz. : in pe ^eir of god Imvclxxxvij, our souerane lord
hes gewin and grantit to pe said archiebischope lames betoun, co»z-
missioun to intreate his mazAsteis effairis furt& of pe cuntrie and hes
maid him ambassadozzr to his mazArtie, and pz’Z'by hes allowdt pe depar¬
ture furtA of pe conine, and pe remanizzg furt/z of pe samyn, qzz/zzlk
takkis away pe said sentence of baratrie and effect ]>ero(, Quki\k sen¬
tence is onlie gewin and pronuzzcit aganis pe said archiebischope for
his depairting and remanizzg furt/fc of pe cuzztrie, wz't^out our souerane
lordis licence and trafifiqueing with foraine natiounis, and pz?rfoir pe
said archiebischopis departing and remanizzg furt# of pe cuzztrie
being allowit in maner foirsaid, The said sentence of baratrie being
pairby nocht onlie tane away, bot also pe persewaris gift dependazzd
pzzz'vpoun lyikwayis falland, absoluitozzr aucht to be gewin simplzVzVzzr
frome pe said pz^Andit precept. § 17. Lyik as alsua in pe secund
reformit eikis, proponit for pe pairt of pe said defendar aganis pe
ressoun reductiwe of pe saidis suzzzmuzzdzlf, and pe persewaris entres
zrzzzziuzzctlie, It was exceptit perezzzptozzrlie, pat absoluitozzr aucht to be
gewin fra pe said haill ressoun, Becaus the persewar can neuer
pretend him selff to be laufullie prowydit to pe bischoprik of glasgow
be his ryr/zt and title producit, ffor in sua far as his pensioun is tane
away be pe deceis of vmqzz/zzle Mr lames boyde, last prz’Z'z’ndit
archiebischope of glasgow, pe persewaris ryz'^t in pzzt pairt man fall,

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