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[DECREET William Erskyne, Persone of Campsie, against
Capitane Alexander Montgomerie. 13th July 1593.]
§ 1. Anent J>e actioun and cans intentit and persewit befoir ]?e
saidis cowmissam be Mr Williame erskyne, persone of campsie,
laufullie prowydit be oure souerane lord to ]>& archibischopre of
glasgow, and hawand vndoutit ryckt, be vertew of his said prowisioun,
to J?e fruittis, rentis, teindis, maillis, fermis, proffeittis, emolumentis,
dewteis, and casualiteis of Jie samyn, of all Jeiris during his prowi¬
sioun, And sua hes guid ryr^t to persew ]>e actioun of reductioun
vnderwrittin aganis capitane a\exander montgomerie ffor productioun
and exhibitioun wzt/i him befoir ])e said A Coznmissaris [of] ane pre-
Andit \etlere of pensioun of Je sowme of fywe hundr^t mcrkis
money, to be vpliftit furt/2 of ]?e reddiest fruittis of J>e said archi-
bischoprie of glasgow, And for suir payment )>erof, hawing assignit
to him Jwintill sex chalderis malt, and fyiwe chalderis meill, or
Jerby, To be tane vp 3eirlie furt/2 of J>e land A of scheddelston,
conflattis, daldowie, and vtheris speaall landz's lyand wz’t^in ]>e
barronie of glasgow, alleyAt, grantit and gewin to him for all Je
dayis of his lyiftyme be oure souerane lord, alle^/t hawand power to
geiwe }>e samyn as vacand in his hienis handis of ]?e daitt [>e
day of the Jeir of god Imvc Jeiris,1 Togidder
•wit/i quhatsumewer prcAndit letteris of ratifica/z'oun, grantit be oure
souerane lord )>er(tir, of ];e said pzrAndit gift of pensioun to Je said
capitane a\exander, -with quhatsuwzeuir new gift or \ettere, grantit and
gewin to him be oure said souerane lord, of ])e foirsaid pensioun,
sen J?e said owzplenaris prowisioun foirsaid of ]?e said archibischop-
rie, of quhatsumeuir daitt or daittis [>e saidziy \etteris of ratifica/zbun
and new gift of ]?e said pensioun be of; To be sein and co/zsidderit be
}>e saidA cozzzmisszzrz's, and to haiwe hard and sein J>e samyzz first
preAndit lettere of pensioun, wz't/z Je said ratifica/z'oun and new gift
of ]>e samyzz, grantit be our said souerane lord to }>e said capitane
alexazzzAr as said is, sua far as ]?e samyzz may be extendit to ]>e
Jeiris during J>e qzz^zlk J>e said czwzplenar stuid fullilie prowydit to
J>e said archibischoprie as said is, Be retreittit, rescindit, cassit,
azznullit, decernit, and declairit to haiwe bein frome Je begynizzg,
and to be in all tyme cuzzzmizzg, null and of nane awaill, force, nor
effect, wz't/z all [>at hes followit, or Jat may follow ^rupoun, for
J>e caussA following : § 2. In the first, Becaus [>e said pz^Andit gift
of pensioun was grantit and gewin to ]>e said capitane alexazzzAr
furt^ of Je said archibischoprie be oure said souerane lord, hawand
1 Spaces blank in MS.

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