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removit at the advising of the proces); Bot also the sitting of the said
Mr lo/m in iugement, ]?e advising of the proces with the remanent
cowzmissrtm, The keping of the haill dyettis in iugemewt, and pro-
nuwceing of }>e haill interloquutozmj, makis the remanent cowmis-
saris partialitie mair manifest, in sufferring the pmnisfi. § 3. And
also the saidw messn's edward bruce and lohnne nicolsone, pro-
curatouxis and favowranir of the said hous of mar, be p^rsuasioun of
the said Mr lo/m prestoun, will not faill maist partiallie to proceid in
the said pr^ndit reductioun aganis the said Capz’/ane alexander,
to his greit wraik, gif they be sufferit to cognosce ]>enn, Seing the
cowzmoditie )>ero{ redound/.? to the said mr williame erskene, ane
of the maist spec/all freindis of the said houfi, & quhome the saidzir
cowzmissarz? grittumlie favour, and ar vnder freindschip ; and ilk ane
of thame hes already gevin counsall to him Jwin, for his furtherance
contraix the said capitane Alexander. § 4. And als ]?e saidis cozn-
missarz'j in deductioun of the said proces, hes cowmittit manifest
iniquitie in repelling of the allegeance, quhilk wes fundin relevant
and admittit be the saidw lordis interloquutozzr in favozzr/j of the
priozzr of Blantyre, in the cans foirsaid, as is recent in the said/? lordis
memories—To wit, the saidis cowzmissar/? hes maist partialie repellit
restitutioun of bischope Betoun, without ony conditioun contenit in
the act of restitutioun. § 5. Attour, the said pzr/z’ndit actioun of
reductioun is, and will not onlie be pnzziudiciall, (i) to the said actioun
depending at ]?e said cap/Azne alexanderis instance befoir the said/?
lordis aganis the said Mr Williame, for repayment to him of the said
pensioun, wranguslie intromettit with and tane vp be him the said/?
tua Jeiris Ixxxvj and Ixxxvij, quherin the said im lohnne pr^stoun,
ane of the saidis conzmissar/?, hes comperit \>xocuraioux for the said
[Mr Williame Erskin]1 as said is, As the said suznmoundz? \eroi
schewin to the saidz? lordis beiris; (ii) Bot alsua to the decreit of
double poinding, gevin at the said capz/zzne aXexandexis instance
befoir the said/? lordis, decerning the tennentis of the said/? landis
To anfWr and mak pament to him of the said pensioun of the crope
and Jeir of god Ixxxvj Jeiris, and in tyme cuzning, as pzzrtie fund be
the said/? lordis to haif best richt perto, and dischearging the said
Mr Williame of all calling and troubling of the said/? tennentis for
the samin, as pzzntie fund be the saidz? lord/? to have na richt, not¬
withstanding the haill defensfi proponit be him in the contrax, as
the said decreit schawin to the said/? Lordis at lenth beiris. § 6. Lyk
as the said reductioun is only movit to tak away the said cap//«ne
alexanderis repament to him of the said pensioun, wranguslie tane
vp be the said mr william, he knawing that he will gett sic favour¬
able and suz/zmer proces in the said pr^ndit reductioun befoir thame,
as he pleisf) desyr, sua that pe said cap/Zane alexander salbe
1 MS. has erroneously “ capz'Zane alexander.

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