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decreit of the Lordis thairof, and \ar autAtfrztie to be interponeit
theirto, withe executoriallis to be direct heirvpoun in forme as effeiris.
In Witnes of ]?e (\tihi\k thing, I hawe subscryveit ]ns my reuocattioun
& dischairge wz't/z my hand At edinburgh, the aucht day of December,
the 3eir of god Imvc fourscoir and four Jeiris, Befoir thir witnesfi;
Thomas Hay, messinger, Henry Logane, Johnne Robesoun, Alex-
andex Campbell, Wrytteris, and James Logane, notter publict. Sic
A. Montgomorye.
Thcwas Hay, as Witnes.
James Logane, as Witnes to the premisfi.
Henry Logane, as Witnes.
John Robesoun, as Witnes.
[Indorsed on back of principal.]
Penultimo 'Dtcembris 1584. Robert ressaue this \ettexo & regw/rat
the same, becaus alexazzz/er mozzgomery hes comperit p^rsonallie, and
zwzsentit to the regA/ratioun thairof.
A. H., Clerz'cwj RegA/re.
Penultimo Decembris 1584.
In prawns of J>e clerk of register, coni\>eir\t personalie alexarzAr
mowtgomery, Seruitour to J»e kingis maiestie, & desyrit J>is Renuzzcia-
tioun & Discharge to be regA/rat adperpetuam rei memoriam etc. &
letires & executonahs direct Jj^rupoun &c. [Signed] R. Scott.
(Register of Deeds, vol. 23, f. 80.)
[INTERLOCUTOR, in causa, Williame Archbishop of
Glasgow, v. Alexander Mongomery. 24th December
The qzz/wlk day the lordis of counsall, of consent of }>e partiis pro-
coratoris vnderwrittin, aduocattis \>e actioun and caus p^rsewit of
befoir be williame, now archibischope of glasgow, aganis aXexander
mozzgomery, broJ>air-germane to hew mozzgomery of hissilheid, befoir
the Comm\ssar\s of Edz'zzAzrg/z, tuiching ]>e productioun befoir thame
of ane gift of pensioun maid be the said archibischope1 to the
said Alexander of ane Jeirlie pensioun of v chalderis, xv boiizs, ij
1 The record here is wrong ; the gift was made not by the Archbishop but by
the King. Errors of this sort occasionally creep into the Register through the
carelessness of the clerk making the “extracted proces” from the papers laid
before the Court.

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