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viii. 47.]
t How gret
thingis, &c.
our Saluiour
forbad the
Math. viii.
and the twa
blynd menn
Math. ix.
to tel ony
man that he
had helpit
them, and
now bade he
this man
schaw quhat
he had done
for them. It
is nocht for
ws to be
cwriouss in
the causs
thairof quhy
or quhairfor
he sa did,
for sa jt is his
will. Lik as
it is his
pleasur to
schaw alsua
the misteryes
of his worde
vnto babes,
and to hide
them fra the
wyse men
of the warld.
Math. xi.
said, 39 Ga agane {a) in to thin hous, and tell J how gret
thingis God has done to thee. And he yede throu
all the citee, preching how gret thingis Jesus had done
to him. 40 And it was done, quhen Jesus was gaan
agane, the pepile resauet him : for all war abiding him.
41 And, lo, a man, to quham the name was Jairus, and
he was prince of a synagog : and he fel doun at the
feet of Jesu, and prait him that he suld entir into his
hous, 42 For he had bot a douchter, almaast of xij
yere aid, and scho was deid. And it befell the quhile
he went, he was thrungin of the pepile. 43 And a
woman that had a flux of blude xij yeris, and had
spendit al hir substance on leches, and scho mycht
nocht be heilit of ony, 44 And scho com nere behind,
and tuichet the hem of his claath : and anon the flux
of hir blude ceessit. 45 And Jesus said, Quha is that
that tuichet me ? And quhen almen denyit, Petir
said, and thai that war with him, Comandour, the
pepile threstis and diseesis thee, and thou sais, Quha
tuichet me? 46And Jesus said, Sum man has tuichet
me: for that virtue yede out of me. 47 And the
woman, seand that it was nocht hid fra him, com
trymbiland, and fel doun at his feet, and for quhat
Math. ix. c.
Mar. b. c.
(a) agane added above the line.
viii. 40. gaan agane : rediisset.
41. lo, a man : omitting venit, with P. and some MS. authority ;
Vg., ecce, venit vir.
42. he had bot a douchter: unica filia erat ei ■, Wy., ‘olypi
doujtir was to him.’ was deid: moriebattir; Rh., ‘was a
dying.’ was thrungin : comprimebatur.
43. substance: Wy., P., ‘catel’; substantiam.
44. ceessit : stetit.
45. Comandour: praceptor. threstis and diseesis: P.,
‘ thristen and disesen ’; comprimunt et affligunt.
46. for that virtue : Clem., navi ego novi virtutem. Nis. follows
P. in omitting novi ; but Wy., ‘and I haue knowe vertu,’ &c.
47. it was nocht hid fra him : Clem., non latuit; some MSS.
add illu7n. Rh., ‘she was not hid.’

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