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vi. 20.]
to mak a saule saaf, or to tyne ? 10 And quhen he had
behaldin almen about, he said to the man, Hald furth
thin hand. And he held furth : and his hand was
restorit to heil. 11 And thai war fulfillit with vnwisdom;
and spak to giddire quhat thai suld do of Jesu.
12 And it was done in tha dais, he went out into
ane hill to pray, and he was alnycht duelling in the
prayere of God. 13 And quhen the day was cummin, he
callit his discipilis : and chesit xii of thame, quhilkis he
callit alsa apostillis; 14 Symon quham he callit Petire,
and Andro his bruther, James and Johnne, Philip and
Bartholomew, 15 Mathou and Thomas, James Alphei,
and Symon that is callit Zelotes, 16 And Judas of
James, and Judas Scarioth, that was traitour. >J«17And
Jesus com doun fra the hill with thame, and stude in
a feeldy place, and the cumpany of his discipilis, and a
gret multitude of pepile of al Judee and Jerusalem, and
of the see coostis and of Tire and Sidon, that com to
here him, and to be heilit of thare seeknessis; 18 And
thai that ware traualit of vnclene spiritis war heilit.
19 And al the pepile soucht to tuiche him : for virtue
yede out of him, and heilit all. 20 And quhen his een
vi. 9. tyne : P., ‘leese’; perdere.
10. restorit to heil: similarly P., ‘restorid to helthe’; adding,
with some MSS., sanitati to the Vg. restituta est.
11. war fulfillit with vnwisdom : repleti sunt insipientia. of
Jesu : so P., reading, with St. and Sixt., de before Jesu. Rh., ‘to
12. alnycht duelling : P., ‘ al nyjt dwellynge ’; pernoctans.
13. callit {bis)-. P., ‘clepide’; vocavit . . . nominavit.
14. callit: P., ‘clepide’; cognominavit.
15. is callit: P., ‘isclepid’; vacatur.
16. Scarioth : so P. Clem., Iscarioten. WW., Scarioth.
17. Jesus . . . fra the hill: reading Jesus de monte with Cor.
vat., Clem., et descendens cum illis stetit, &c. in a feeldy
[P., feeldi] place : in loco campestri. that com to here : with
these words, a new verse begins in Clem.
19. al the pepile: P., ‘al puple’; omnis lurba. yede out :
P., ‘wenteout.’
ill. Reg. xiii.
Math, xiiii.
c. and x.
Mar. iii. b.,
vi. a.
Luc. ix. a.
Actis i. b.
Mathew iiii.
Marc. iii. a.
Mathew v.

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