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[v. I.
v chaptur.
^ And it was done, quhen the pepile com fast to
Math. iiii. c. Jesu to here the word of God, he stude beside the
Mar. d.
pule of Genasareth, 2 And saw twa bootis standing
beside the pule (or stank): and the fischaris war gaan
doun and vveschit thar nettis. 3 And he yede vp into a
boot, that was Symonis, and prayt him to leid it a litil
fra the land. And he sat, and taucht the pepile out
of the boot. 4 And as he ceissit to speke, he said to
Symon, Leid thou in to the depnes, and slake your
Johan, xxi. nettis to tak fisch. 5 And Symon ansuerd and said
to him, Commandoure, we traualit al the nycht, and
tuke nathing: bot in thi word I sal lay out the nett.
6 And quhen thai had done this thing, thai closit to-
giddire a gret multitude of fischis: and thar nette was
brokin. 7 And thai beeknyt (or synet) to fellowis,
that war in an vthir boot, that thai suld cum and
help thame. And thai com, and thai fillit bathe the
bootis, sa that thai war almast drovnyt. 8 And quhen
Symon Petir saw this thing, he fel doun to the kneis
of Jesu, and said, Lord, ga fra me; for I am a
v. i. com fast: P., ‘cam fast.’ Wy., ‘ felden in’; irruerent.
he stude: Vg., et ipse stabat. pule; (and in next verse) pule
(or stank): P., ‘pool’; Wy., ‘stondinge watir’; stagnum.
3. to leid it a litil: reducere pusillum; RV., ‘to put out a
little.’ And he sat: et sedens. J. Ham. (Fac. Traict., p. 94),
‘And sittand he teachit the multitude out of the schip.’
4. depnes : P., ‘ depth ’; altum. slake : so Wy., P. ;
luxate. Cf. ver. 5. to tak fisch : in capturam; AV., ‘ for
a draught.’
5. Commandoure : P., ‘ Comaundoure ’; Preceptor. I sal lay
out [P., leye out] the nett: laxabo rete.
6. closit togiddire : incluserunt.
7. beeknyt (or synet): P., ‘ bikenyden ’; annuerunt. Cf. i. 22.
to fellowis: sociis. almast drovnyt: P., ‘almost drenchid.’
Clem., pent mergerentur, but pene omitted by Kent, and WW. ; so
Rh., ‘ they did sink.’

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