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ing forces wer vanqueshed at Ravenna, and the survenew and
oncufnming of the suisser armye had suddenlye, contrair the
exspectatioun of all the uarld and his anew hope, also putten
in flight the frenshemen, he escaped be there meanes cap-
tivetie1 and so fell not in the hands nather of his enmeyes
being chased nor yet of his assisting armye and confederats,
he being victorious 2 by other forces 3 then -with theres.
The florentins being naked, disarmed, and destitut of cum-
pawyes of suddarts, borrowed and conducted 10000 frenshemen
for the beseaging of pisa, by which advyse gretar perrell and 10
dangers inseued therefter vnto there estate then euer afore at
any tyme they sustened. The emproeir [sic] of Constantinople
for the resisting of his nighbours called in into grece 20000
turkes quhairout off they wald never depart notwithstanding
the wairs wer ended : which was the begining off the cap-
tiuitie and servitud whairto sic infidells hes redacted that
Quha will then have this conceate and desyre not to be
victorious, lat him serve him seifs [sic] be this sort of armes
which ar yet mair hurtfull and perelous for thy estate then 20
the hyred and mercenarye, be reason that thy ruine in thame
appereth mair reddle and sudden: for they ar all vnited and
off ane mynde inclyned to the obedience of him that is there
conducter and not to the that is thair incaller.
Bot incace the mercenarye forces wald attempt any thing
aga[n]st the, it is necessar for 4 thame, gif they have win thyne
enne[m]ie and relived thy estate, to have long tyme and gretar
F. 162 a. occasioun thertoe, / considdering they ar not all of ane bodye
and natioun bot a medley gathered together and waged fra
sondrye places, over quhome incace thou prefeir a thrid pcrsoun 30
to be there chiftane they can not sa suddenlye be sa pouerfull,
nor purches him that autoritie amangs his suddarts that he
may hurt the, or that thou nedeth to feare him. In conclusioun
thow sal find in the mercenarye mair cowardlines and negli¬
gence,5 In the assisting forces mair promptitud and militarye
vertew. 36
1 delyverye. 8 having vanqueshed. 3 cumpany.
4 vnto. s faintheartnes, sluggishnes.

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