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and speache with the patrimonial lands of the conqereour or
no. Incace they be, there is na thing mair esie then to keip
theme, specially if the pepill haue not bene accustomed to hue
in libertie, and it is avalable enough in the suir possessing off
Crudele theme, to extinguish and roote furth the race onlye of the
concilium Prence and lord that afore was there maister and superiour.
Becaus in other things the conquerour keiping vnto theme
there ancient laues, liberties, and priufijlidges,1 and not dis-
avouing nor abrogating there auld customes, the pepill be
thir meanes easelye reposis: as we haue sene be experience 10
In burgongne, bretaigne, gascongne, and normandie that sa
peaceble in peace hes liued vnder the crovne and subiectiown
of france ; and yet albeit ther be some litil difference of
speache amangs theme, yet there forme of lyfe and fashions
ar a lyk and liueth in compatabilitie and agrement weill
enough together. He then that uald keip theme 2 quh[o]me he
hes conq[u]eshed as his awen necessarlye must do tua things—
ane to abolish and extinguish inteirlye the whole blood, race,
& memorie off there precedent lord and former maister 3—
F. 148 b. the second / not to violat, alter, nor abrogat there liberties be 20
new impositions & taxations, to the end that the new lord
with short proces of tyme may mak his new estate one with
the same bodye of his ancient.
Bot quhen it happneth that thow mak the conquest ouer
a natioun of different langage and behaviour and of other
maners then thy auen, at that tyme great and panfull impedi¬
ments must aryse. And it is requeseit in sic occuirences
thow be furneshed with mair then extraordnarye hap and a
wonderfull forsight & convoy 4 to retene sic pepill the langar
In subiectioMn.5 And yet in such a cace I espy no 6 mair 30
effectuall nor gretar remedie then that the prence sal paft to
these parts in persown and mak his residence amangs theme :
for this is the onlye moyen that may mak the possessioun of
that cuntrye of langar contenance and mair assured : as the
great turc hes done of grece, quha besyds the gud ordinances
introduced be him for the retentioun & conservatioun of his 36
1 and customes. 2 as his awen. 3 predefcessour],
4 of thy actions. 6 In sic sort that. * not a.

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