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Dist. 63
quia san
[P- 3i.]
F. iiij.
An. Bot he after his awin maner modestlie trauellit to
reduce all sic abusis to the fundatioun of the scripteur. that
he reprouis not sic superstitioun seueirly, he randers the
ressoun in his 119. epist. to casulanus in the quhilk he writs
concerning thame that absteanit from flesh. Si de hac re
meam sententiam quaeras, etenim huiusmodi multa propter
nonullarum vel sanctamm vel turbulent arum personarum
scandala, liberius improbare non audeo. that is, if on this
mater my sentence ze requyre. surely sic many things for the
sclander of halie and trubilsum persons, frelie I dar not 10
improue. and efter hend in that samin Epistil. Ego in Euan-
gilicis & Apostolicis literis animo reuoluens video preceptum
esse ieiunium: quibus autem diebus oportet ieiunare, et
quibus non oporteat non inuenio esse definitum. I reuoluing
in my mynd do fynd that in the letters of the Euangell and
Apostils fasting to be commandit. bot I fynd not determined
and appointed by the command of the Lord or of ye Apostils,
quhat day we must fast, & quhat day we must not fast.
Ad. Of this conclusioun is manifest that the Ministers instituting
thair publict fast vpon Sonday & making thair banquets vpon Fryday, 20
ar not only sclandrous to the haill Kirk bot also followis the fitsteps
of the Manicheans & vther condemned herityks.
An, Thou hes begunne with blasphemyis as posessed with
foolishnes, & endith with iniuries as bereft of wisdome. I
appeale thee (blasphemous mouth) to thy awin conscience,
if thou hes by reporte vnderstuid of anie ; or being present,
had knauledge, that they maid bankets on any day: bot
euer sharpely and vehementhe to haue improuit the same.
To the matter. First I ansuer with Pape Stephanus & con-
forme to his command, quhairof the tennour is this. If syndrie 3°
of our predicesseurs haue done certen thinges, quhilk at that
tyme might weil haue bene done without hurt, quhilks after¬
ward are turned vnto errour and to superstitioun : let them
be distroyit and abolished by the successeurs. Secoundly
according to this reul I confes that the Kirk in hatred of the
Manicheaws (quha wald bring in perpetual fasting vpon Sonday
as a law,) / and in detestatioun of vther heretyks, thoght it
nawayis expedient to fast vpon Sonday. fearing that thairby 38

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