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ler. vpon
i. Galla.
[P. 26.]
lib. 3. de
The XIII, Propositiovn.
In the Sacrament of the Altar vnder the forme of bread and wine
the bodie and blood of Christ is reallie and substancially conteaned.
Ad. This conclusioun is confirmit be thrie Euangelists, quha testifies
that Christ in his latter supper said tak eat this is my bodie quhilk
sail be geuin for zow. the quhilk words are so cleir and euident that
no man can doubt vnles he wald giue mair credence vnto his awin
sense and iudgement nor to Christs infallabill words.
An. I answer with S Hierome that the Euangell standeth
not in the words of the scripteur but in the meaning, for gif 10
in sic wechtie maters, we wald pretex the simplicitie of words
Christ then suld be ane Lambe, an Porte, an Way, the trewe
Wine, and an husband man. Quhilk forme of speaking onlye
is figuratyue.
Ad. lustinus the martyre to Antoninus saith that euin as we beleiue
Christ had flesch and blood so we oght to beleue that bread and wine
quhilk he consecrat was changed in his fleshe and blood.
An. I answer that thir words are misticallie and sacra-
mentallie to be vnderstand, for in that secound apologie, he
proueth against ye heretiks be ye sacrament of the eucharist 20
Christ for to haue had verry body and verry fleshe, and not
phantastik as they did think, in this maner. if Christ had
neuer trewe flesh thir1 sacraments suld be false, seing they
neuer culd represent nor signifie that thing quhilk was neuer
extant. Bot I wald not thou assumed him for ane patroun
of zour transubstantiatioun, quhen he teachis in that saming
apologie the bread and wine efter consecratioun to be changed
in our bodie and nurisch the saming. quhilk plainelie Ireneus
aprouis saying by the bread and Cup quhilk ar the sacra¬
ments of the bodie and blood of Christ, ex quibus augetur30
et consistit camis nostrae substantia, of the quhilk the sub¬
stance of our flesh / is augmentit.
Ad. Chrisost. also afirmes that Christ in ane moment is baith in
heuin & on the altar.
An. I answer that Chris, in that place is sumquhat hyper-
bolicall. and I doubt not bot with a good zeale, but as Petrus
Martyre wrytis, not verrie consideratlie, for in making the
sacraments hightlie be sic figurs decorit and extollit the pepill 38
1 Corr.

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