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recourse to an vniuersall or particular Kirk ? To an vniuersall
we may nocht, because nather it nor the members thairof
can be conuenit togidder in an place. And a particulare be
the proces of tyme may decay and be obscurit, And thairfor
not visible, sa be this argument thou may proue lytle, seing
Christ in that place alludis vnto the Senat of the lewis, quha
Inquyrit of the maners of euerie man.
S. Augu. Ad. S. Augustene prouis this cleirly saying, it is against the promeis
de vnit of Christ that ather his Kirk be vnuesible or only knawin as zours in
eccle. Geneua & in Scotland in certew corners of the warld. 10
An. I grant that in S. August, age the Kirk of God verye
much did floorish. And iustly he reprouis the donatists, quha
did reioyce in their fewnes, afferming that the Kirk of God
be onlie in a corner of Aphrica, & that they for the sinnis
of vthers, war separat from the communioun of the warld.
[P. 6.] Zit if / thou speaks of our age, without grit shame thou can
not defend the Kirk of God to be visible all whair, for smal &
lytill is the part of the warld, few ar the regiouns of the earth,
in ye quhilk Christ is visiblie proffessit, his words preachit,
and his Sacraments deuly administratit. And gritter is the 20
number of hethens, lewes and Turks, than of Christians.
Chrisist. Ad. S. Chrisostome sayis that it is als impossible that the Kirk of
4 in Isai- God be hid, as the Sune to be destitute of his lyght.
An. Bot quha dayly dois not see Apostat that the light of
the Sune is obscurit & darknit be the thiknes of trublit cluds
and heirof thairfoir a better consequence, with gritter reason
may be collected: Euin as the brichtness of the Sone by
troublit motions in the air may be hinderit & darknit : sa
the kirk of God ether be extemall persecutioun of ennemyis,
or by the inwart corruptioun of pasteurs for sum space appeir 30
not, vntil God of his grace represse the fury of his enemies,
and abolische by the brichtnes of his Word the ignorance &
corruptioun of pasteurs.
Ad. Of this we gather that since the Ministers are constranit to
confesse thair Synagog to bene vnuesible at the leist mair nor an
1000, zeir it is impossible it can be the trew Kirk.
An. I wil answer thy blasphemyis with silence, refraning
from replying euil words, les vnwittingly I be conuincit of 38

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