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syd of the castell to the rest of the airmie quha war
cuming in with monitioun. At this tyme the captane of
the castell seing the incuming of the inglismen send to
the abay to the regent the laird of Pittadro1 constable of
the castell with ane commissioun to speik of sindrie 5
artickillis and siclykk tuik instruments that thay had na
wyte of the incuming of strangeris bot god knawis gif
this had beine the wyte or nocht and so he depairted to
the castell. Vpone the xiij of this moneth of apryle the
regent causit proclame be sound of trumpat at the io
marcat cross of Edinburgh that na man sould speik of
the inglismenis incuming bot guid and not to molest or
troubill thame vndir the paine of deid and als thair
landis and thair guides.2 Vpone the xvj day of apryle
thair come furth of berwick ane certane nommer of hagbut- 15
taris.3 At this tyme the castell schot downe gret ordi¬
nance vpone the calsay and slew sindrie men wyffis and
childring. At this tyme thair come furth of Swaden ane
ambassadour send be the king thairof to the regent with
ane commissioun to tak vp men of weir to the nommer 20
of ane thowsand quhilk desyre was grantit. And vpone
the xxx day of this same moneth of apryle 4 thair come
ane thowsand men of weir of ingland and come to leith
and syne to Edinburgh to the parliament and remanit
about the castell in trinchis and in the towne. Schortlie 25
heireftir the inglis trumpitour and the regentis passit to
the castell and desyred thame to rander the samyn to the
king and his regent bot thay gave thame ane schort ansuer
that thay wald keip it in the quenis name and quhan scho
was deid thay wald keip it to the king quhill he come 30
to perfyte aige bot schortlie thaireftir all this stowtnes
vas avay as I sail schaw zow heireftir. Vpone the
xxiiij day of apryle the haill erlis lordis barronis com-
1 Henry Echlin of Pittadro. 2 D, p. 329. 3 D, p. 330.
4 “Historic of James VI.,” p. 142. The English went to their
trenches on 25th April. See Notes as to the siege.

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