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out of Scotland bot hir awin willfull misgovernance as
we have schawin to zow be thir foirsaid ressounis. The
counsall of Ingland heiring this enarratioun of the kingis
lordis war contentit heirof and tuik lytill regaird of the
5 vthir pairtie to wit the quenis lordis or quhat thay wald
propone in the matter and thairfoir it was thocht best
that the regent of Scotland witht his lordis sould pas
foirdward to Londoun befoir the quenis grace of Ingland
quhair the matter mycht be forder tryit to thair gret
10 honour and to the turpitud and schame of the vthir
pairtie, the quhilk was done heireftir schortlie for the
said regent and his lordis passit to Londoun witht the
vther lordis that war of the quenis pairtie quhair thair
thai fand my lord duik of Scotland alias lord hammil-
15 toun remainand in Londoun bydand to have had licence
fra the quenis grace of Ingland to have spokin witht the
quein of Scotland bot he cuild on na way obteine the
samyn bot he obtenit licence to ane secreit freind of his Foi. 139 a.
awin to speik witht the quein at bowtoune1 quhair scho
20 was for the tyme. At this meintyme the erle of Murray
regent of Scotland witht his lordis that war witht him for
the defence of the king and common weill of Scotland
gat presence of the quein and counsall of Ingland and
war weill interteined in all thair effaires and the quein
25 of Ingland causit the haill counsall thairof to conveine
that the matter quhilk I have schawin micht be forder
tryed for the weill of baith the pairteis quha convenit
befoir the quein and counsall of ingland both the regent
of Scotland witht the lordis that defendit the king and
30 common weill of Scotland and on the vthir syd the
quenis lordis quha had maid enarratioun oniustlie of
the regent and his lordis tuiching the pairt and favour
of the quein of Scotland. Bot one the vthir syd the
regent of Scotland and his lordis justified thair caus so
35 honestlie be iust ressonis and godlie proceidingis that
1 Bolton.

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