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peruert the repentence that hes beine vsit in Christs kirk in a
aages; thay deny the trew effect baith of particulare, and of
publik repentence, whilk is institut be Christ to obtene absolu¬
tion and remission of sinnes, be the pastors of his kirk, for
5 reconciliation of penitent sinners to God.
Of the Sacrament of the Altare.
. . . The prophete forspeikis that this same sacrifice suld be ofifrit page 327.
to the honor of God in TEgypte sayand, Et cognoscent Dominus Isa. xix. 21.
ab gyp to, et ALgyptij cognoscent Dominum in die ilia, et cohint
eum in hostijs, et in muneribus, et vota vouebunt Domino, et
10 soluent, And the lord salbe knauin of yEgypte, and the Egyp¬
tians sal know the Lord in that day, and thay sal worschipe him,
in sacrifices and giftis, and thay sal vou voues vnto the lord, and
sal performe the same. What can be mair plainlie spokin nor
this, that God suld be worschipit be externel sacrifice in the
15 Euangelical law ? Thir sacramentaire Ministers, to hyde this
trew worscheping of God be sacrifice, forme the people whome
thay dissaue, hes mutilat this passage takand out of thair Scottis
bible al this clause : Thay sal worschip him in sacrifice and
giftes} What sacriligious dealing is this, to eik and paire the
20 scriptures? baith to hyde the treuth in maters of mens saluation
and to maintein also detestable heresies agains the trew seruice of
Of the Halie Communion.
. . . Thridlie we haue to remark, that the trew communion makis page 356.
the worthie ressauers thairof to haue fellowschip with the liuing
25 God, and the fals communion makis the ressauers of the same
1 This is a very curious and definite charge, and one capable of being
easily tested. The version of the Bible referred to, is, however, either entirely
lost and forgotten, or it never existed but in the imagination of Hamilton.
The only edition of the Bible published before 1600, that, strictly speak¬
ing, can be called Scottish, is the Arbuthnot-Bassandyne Bible, printed at

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