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ing, and talking auay the ornamentis of the kirk, folou the fut-
stoppis of lulianus the Apostat, of the Arrianis, and of the
Donatistis, quha did tak auay the veschellis of gold, and vther
precious ornamentis of the kirkis euin as ye do, albeit ye surpas
5 thame sumparte in sic impietie, hauand maid gretar prophanatione
of all sic thingis nor euer thay did, as is cleir to all thame quha
plesis to compair thair vorkis vith youris. I desyre that ye
schau me of onie ancient historic, that in onie aige the Chris¬
tian men hes had sik kirkis as ye haue nou in the realme
10 of Scotland, that is, the bair vallis destitute of all kynd of
ornament, vithout dure, vindo or ruffe. I am assurit ye vill
neuer be abill to schau onie sic thing: hou can ye thane profes
your selfis treu vorshipparis of God, quha vses sua manifest
contempt of thaj places quhilk ar cheiflie dedicat to his honore
15 and vorshipping.
Of the Paipis Authoritie.
Balcanqual. Quhat authoritie grantis thou vnto the Paip. fob 80 v.
B. Gif onie controuersie of religione sal aryse betuix Christian
men being of learning and estimatione, being abil to mak ane
greit diuisione, vnles the Concil of the general kirk be conuocat,
20 the biscop of Rome, quha is Paip, hes pouar and authoritie to
assembil his Concile of the quhilk he is President as Vicar of
our saluiour Christ upon the earthe, and vithout quhais con-
firmatione the same hes na effect.
Dene Durie. Thou knauis nocht quhat our maister Christ fol. 84 r.
25 understude be the roke in that place, for it is the faith and con-
fessione of Petir, sua that al faythful Brethrene, confessand Christ
to be the sone of the leuing God, is equal to Petir be verteu of this
testwionie, and grounde of the kirk na les nor he.
B. I vat nocht in quhat scripture ye haif fund that the rok is

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