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tyrie’s refutation, 1573.
the preching of the word, the continuatione ad successioun
of your allegit kirk that ye do naways appartene to the kirk
of God: hot that ye ar of this prophetis, of the quhilkis
S. Pauli makis mentione writtand to Tymothie in this maner. 2
5 Considder, and acknawlege that in the last days thair sail
cum perrolus tymes, in the quhilkis salbe men, luffars of thair
awin selues, couatous, presumptious, proud, blaspheamours, in-
obedient to thair parents, onthankfull, onhalie, without mutuall
affectioun, trucebrekers, fals accusars, palliards, rude and onmeik,
10 despysars of the gude, tratours, hedie, vantars, luffars of thame
selues mair than of God, hauand outwartlie ane colour and
apperance of halines, bot inwartlie reiectand the verteu and
strenth thairof: Turne away thairfoir from suche.
This gude reader, I haue written schortlie, according to my
15 promis, quhairby I beleue all thing to be suffitientlie refuted,
quhilk Sr John Knoxe hes ansuered to my letter. As to his
Ministers I will thay vnderstand that thay haue ado with resson-
able men, and with men quha hes als great desyre of the king-
dome of heuin and lyf euerlesting, as thay haue (to say na
>20 forther) sua I dout na thing, gif (all contentioun and vane
multiplicatioun of wordis being put asyde) thay ansuer directlie
without all subterfuge, to that thing, quhilk is in questione or
controuersie, that it salbe easie to euerie man to espy quha
defendis the richt caus, and quha intends the wrang. Vther
I525 wais, it wilbe mair expedient to thame to keip silence, and
ansuer no thing at all, nor to expose thame self troch sic wane
subterfugis as thay ordinarlie vse, to be mocked an scorned be
all men quha readis thair writtingis.

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