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tyrie’s refutation, 1573.
grant that the inheritance of Christ, quhilk dois comprehend ewer Mich. iv.
ane greit part of the warld according to all scriptures, was allu- ^n'j
terlie inuisibill and vnknawen, quhilk in it self is repugnant. To psai_ jj.
be schort I wald demand thame, quhether gif during the tyme of Psal- xxi-
5 the conceill of Nice, thay quha was estemit for pastouris of the
kirk, wer pastouris in verray deide or nocht: for gif thay wer
pastoures, the ministers and pastouris of our kirk (considdering
thai profes the selfsame doctrine with thame, and is chosin be
ane lyk maner of vocatioun to the ministerie of the kirk) ar in
10 lyk wais to be estemit as pastoures. Gif thai quha was in the
conceill of Nice wes nocht trew pastouris, I beleue that thay sail
nocht be able to name ony trew pastour of the kirk, afoir lohne
Caluin. Quhilk gif it be according to Goddis word (in the quhilk
ye appear to gloir) I leue the iugement to the readar.
15 Heir I pray the readar to considder diligentlie this inuisible fol. 40 r.
kirk of Schir lohne Knox, be the quhilk he is constranit to grant,
that the Doctours and pastouris cited of befoir, dois na way
appertene to the kirk of God : for it is maist certane that that
kirk, quhilk thay acknawleget wes visible, and manifest to the
520 warld. Morower the kirk to be inuisible it is maist erronious and
repugnant to all scriptures: for quhat can be more manifest and
clier, nor that, quhilk of befoir wes cited of Isaias, the portes of Isai. lx.
the kirk sail euer be patent baith nicht and day. And that,
quhilk almaist all the prophets with ane voce dois testifie, that Daniel ii.
£25 the kingdome and inheritance of Christ salbe mair triumphand i sa1'lxxxv111'
and glorious, nor euer wes ony empyre or kingdome afoir him, Ps. liii.
and that it sail continew in the former magnificence, to the end
of the warld. Bot Sr. lohne Knox, of lait illuminat be sum new
enthusiasme or reuelatioun, will be the contrar, that Sathan his
030 maister posseid all visible kingdomes, nations, citeis, and that
Christ for his inheritance hes reserued onlie to him self, ane
inuisible kingdome. Christ in lykwais the ondoubted fundatour
of his awin kirk speikand to his apostolis, quhome he had con-
Si stitute and ordanit pastoures thairof, schaweth the same to be

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