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the king was, they war thankfullie ressawit and hartlie
willcome to the king of France and the consall thairof
and weill intertenit according to thair estaitis; and also
the king of Scottland thair maister was richt reioyssit
5 of the samin seand his nobillis so obedient to do
him honour and seruice to his great plesour and
This being done, inmedeatlie the marieage was The king of
solemnizett at Paries in Noterdames kirk at the houre of marieage.
10 ten befor [none] witht the king of France and quen and
thair douchter and consall and all the haill nobilietie
on the ane pairt, the king of Scotland and his consall
and nobilietie on the wther pairt, quhilk was sic ane
great multietud on baitht the sydis that it was cummer
15 and allso tedieous to rehearse. For thair was never
so great solemnitie and triumphe sen in France in ane
day as was then sen the tyme of King Chairllis the
Maine ; ffor thair was sic iusting and tornamentis
baitht on horse and on fute and in burght and land Foi. 125«.
20 and also wpoun the sie in schipis and so mekill artaillze
sett in all pairtis of France baitht on the land and on
the sie and also in castellis and touns and willagies
that no man might heir for the reird of thame. And
also the pairtieis1 bankcating, deliecat and2 costlie
25 trieumph and playis and feistis3 witht pleasand sound
of instrumentis of all kynd and also cuning carweris4
haueand the art of igramansie to cause thingis to appeir
quhilk was5 as flieand dragounss in the air schot fyre
at ether heids,6 great reveris of watteris rynand throw
30 the toun and schipis 7 fyghtand thairwpon as it had
1 I has “royatus.” 2 I has “delicat cleithing.”
3 I has “ pheirsis.”
4 I has “carieris.” The copyists have missed the right word,
perhaps “conjurers,” as “igramansie” is a common mistake for
‘ ‘ negromansy,” a corruption of necromancy. See Glossary.
5 “ Nocht ” written and then deleted.
6 I has “schuttand fyre at bayth thair endis.”
7 I has “ and men.”

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