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‘ quhy did thovv by 1 our actis and constitutiouns and
‘ the ordour and commandement of our hollie father the
‘ pope and all the Catholick kirk.’ The wickar ansuerit,
‘ werelie brother, I awow2 the ordour and commande-
‘ ment of our maister and sawieour Jesus Christ and his 5
‘ apostill Pauli quho schawis his doctrin into the Cor-
‘ rintheans in the 14 chapter, sayand, I had leiffar speik
‘ fyue wordis to the wnderstanding and ediefiecatioun
‘ of the pepill nor ten thousand wordis in ane langage
‘ quhilk they wnderstand nocht nor is nocht ediefieit 10
‘ thairwitht.’ The accussar ansuerit and said, ‘ Fallis
‘ Arratick quhair findis thow that’ The wickar ansuerit,
‘ Brother, in my book quhilk is heir in my slef.’ The
accussar start to him and pullit the booke out of his
sleif and held it wpe and schew it to the pepill, sayand, 15
‘ Se the Arratick, he hes the booke hudin in his sleif,
‘ se lo it is heir that makis all this pie and commer
‘ in the hollie kirk and amang the prelattis thairof.’ The
wickar ansuerit, ‘ Brother, ye culd say better and ze
‘ pleissit bot god forgiue zow that callis our names3 the 20
‘ trew scriptour of god to be the booke of arracie ’; and
witht this turnit him to the pepill and said wnto thame,—
‘ My deir bretherin and hartlie freindis, beleif nocht this
‘ wickit man that callis this booke arracie ffor I assure
‘ zow thair is nathing in this buike bot the latter will and 25
1 testament of our maister and sawieour Christ Jesus
‘ writtin be his foure evangellistis to our leirning and
‘ instructioun for our sallwatioun in Christ.’ The accussar
ansuerit, ‘Arratick thou can nocht deny bot the new
‘ testament in Inglische is contrair to our actis and 3°
‘ forbidin be the pope and is anewch to burne the theif.’
Foi. 119 ?. Than the consall of the clargie gaif sentance wpoun
him to be bruntt for the wssing of the samin book, the
new testament in Inglische. And in lykewyse they con-
1 “ By”—z. i., contrary to. 2 I has “ follow.”
3 “ Our names ” = overnames—i.e., nicknames.

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