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Office of
The gower-
nour remittit
all offenssjs
done to him.
‘ gainand and thairfor was gevin to ws be the consent of
‘ the haill nobilietie, sould be haldin as moking stokis to
‘ everie man and alls estemed as prydefull and ambitious
‘ tyrantis and to be the onlie cause of sa greit thift heir-
‘ scheipis stouth-reif and slaughter quhairfor the haill 5
‘ realme may be ane easie pray to our enemeis for they
‘ desyre nothing more nor our discentioun daylie behald,
‘ and quhill we be baitht rootted out allutterlie throw the
‘ quhilk all lawis and justice sould be contempnit and
‘ everie man that pleissis sail put hand in the kingis awin 10
‘ persone or ellis sail abose all governance and autorietie.
‘ Remember thairfor that the nobilietie hes put ws in this
‘ place quhill the kingis maiestie come to perfyte age
‘ to [hauld]1 this realme in tranquilietie on everie part, to
‘ repres all seditious persouns and defend innocentis frome 15
‘ the tyrannous or be our2 discentioun the Realme is
‘ wraikit and betraissit and nocht reullit and governit as it
‘ sould be. I beseik the thairfoir gif thow hes ony loue or
‘ fawour to the Realme or prence thow will renunce all
‘ rancour of hart quhairthrow the common weill is wraikit 20
‘ and lat ws be concceillit3 againe to our awin freindscheip
‘ that was betuix ws, for freindscheip is the most happie
‘ band that4 can be maid for the weillfair of our realme
‘ or contrie. Withtout the quhilk5 no man privat nor
‘ publict may be profietabill to himself or zeit to the 25
‘ commone weill and thairfor lat all iniurieis be sett assyde
‘ haweand the weillfair of this realme affixit befoir our eyis
‘ and that thow sould grant the rether to this my requist
‘ I forgiue all wrangis done to me, allis I sail repair all
1 B “ hauld ” = hold, which makes the sense clearer.
2 I so reads, but A has “your.”
3 I “ reconceilled,” which appears the right reading, but perhaps
conceillit= conciliated.
4 This is the reading in I, which is better than A, “ane happie
band as.”
5 This also is the reading of I, which seems preferable to A,
“without this thing.”

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