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The gouernouris absence quhen the king was taine : the gouernouris
consulltatioun with him sellffe: And also his consulltatioun
with his freindis. Hou the gouernour past to Edinburghe.
The meitting betuix the gouemour and the chancellar, and the
gouemouris ressoun to the chancellar.
In this mean tyme of the kingis taikin it chanceit the
gouernoure to be ane dayis jowmay out of Stirvilling at
that tyme. Bott quhen he gatt vord thairof he sped him
to Stirvilling againe with all diligence richt solist in his
5 mynd quhat sould be done for this wexit him mair nor all
the troubillis that he had of befoir and was the mair
crabbit with him sellffe beand estemed with all men
within the realme ane man of singular guid wit and foir-
sicht that he sould haue beine so negligent and sleuth-
io full in keiping of the king quhairbe his onfreindis had
gret occatioun to haue him in dirissioun. Attour he
brunt the mair for anger within him sellff that he was sa
meschant in this behalf he leaveand his familiaris and
freindis with the king quha knew nathing of this vn-
15 happie fortoun that had chanceit him quhilk all his
enemyis desyreit aboue all thingis baith day and nicht.
And as he beleiwit na thing mair nor ane falsatt amangis
thame sellffis 1 at hame in respect of his enemeis fa[cill
pray] the houre and tyme sa iustlie keipit and the
20 [kingis] glad depairting but ony debait or I[mpediment].
Quhen he had pansit2 in this maner wp [and doun] and
ressonit himself for his slou[thfulnes] to adwyse how he
sould eschew all [danger present] and to come and consid-
der that it was wnsickir to comit his lyfe and honoure
1 MS. A begins here but is torn, and the words in brackets are
taken from MS. I. A has from this point been followed as probably
the oldest MS., but all important alterations or additions in I are
noted. 2 A has “passit” and I “redarguit.”
The gower-
nours con¬
with himself.

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