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lesse. And al the Trinitee schewit(a) to Crist in his man-
hede, and Crist to Johnne be ane angel, and Johnne to
hali kirk,(<5) of quhilk reuelatioun Johnne made this buke :
quharfor this buke is said apocalipsis, that is to say,
reuelatioun. For here it is contenit that God schew to
Johnne, and Johnne to hali kirk, how gret thingis hali
kirk suffrit in the first tyme, and now suffris, and sal
suffir in the last tymes(^) of antecrist, quhen tribulatioun
salbe sa gret, that gif it may be, thai that ar chosen be
mouet. And quhilk medis scho sal resaue for thir tribu-
latiounis, now and in tyme to cum, that medes that beis
behecht mak thame glaid quham the tribulatiounis that
ar tald makis afferit. Tharfor this buke, amang vthir
scripturis of the New Testament, is callit(^) be the name of
prophecie. And it is mare excellent than prophetis(^); for
as the New Testament is worthiar than the Aid, and the
evangele than the law, sa this prophecie passis the pro-
phecijs of the Aid Testament, for it schawis sacramentis,
that beis now a party (/) fulfillit of Crist and of hali kirk.
Or ellis, for to vthir is aan manir prophecie, bot to this
is iij manir prophecie gevin togiddir, that is, of that that
is passit, and of that that is present, and of that that is
to cum. And to conferme the autoritee of it, thar cummis
the autorite of him that sendis, and of him that beris,
and of him that resaues. He that sendis is the Trinitee;
he that beris, the angel ; and he that resaues, Johnne.
Bot quhen thir thingis ar schawit to Johnn in visioun,
and thar ar iij kyndis of visiounis, it is to se vndir quhilk
kynd this is contenit. For sum visioun is bodilie, as
quhen we se ony thing with bodilie een. Sum is spirituale, f. 2071/.
or ymaginarie, as quhen we se(^) sleping, or ellis waking
we behald the ymages of thingis be quhilk sum vthir
{a) Bchewit, &c. : P., ‘ schewide it Crist in his manhed.’ V.,
Reuclaiiit autem tota trinitas Christo secundum humanitatem.
{b) and Johnne to hali kirk: Johannes ecdesie.
(c) in the last tymes : novissime temporibus, V., but nouissimis
temporibus in Rusch.
(d) is callit: censetur.
(e) Before prophetic, prophecie deleted. Some MSS. of P. have
‘ prophecies.’ V., prophetijs.
(/) a party: ex parte.
(£-) we se . . . we behald : cernimus.

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