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we haue traist to God ; 22 And quhat euir we sal ask, /oh. xvi. c.
i. Joh. v. b.
we sal resaue of him, for we kepe his comandmentis,
and we do tha thingis that ar plesand befoir him.
23 And this is the comandment of God, that we beleue jaco. m. a.
Joh. xiii. d.
in the name of his sonn Jesu Crist, and that we lufe andexv. t>.
ilk vthir, as he gaue bidding to vs. 24 And he that i. joh. mi. b.
kepis his comandementis, duellis in him, and he in him.
And in this thing we wate, that he duellis in vs, be Roma. viii.
. . a*
the spirit, quham he gaue to vs.
iiij chapter.
Maast dere brethir, will ye nocht beleue to ilk spirit, iii.Reg.
bot preue ye spiritis, gif thai ar of God; for mony fals
prophetis went out in to the warld. 2 In this the spirit Math. v. b.
of God is knawne; ilk spirit that knawlechis that * 'foh
Jesu Crist has cummin in flesch, is of God; 3 And h. joh. i. b.
ilk spirit that fordois Jesu, is nocht of God. And
this is antecrist, of quham ye herd, that he cum; and f.2o4r.
richt now he is in the warld. 4 Ye, litil sonnis, ar of
God, and ye haue ouircummin him; for he that is in
you is mare, than he that is in the warld. 5 Thai ar
of the warld, tharfor thai spek of the warld, and the
warld heris thame. 6 We ar of God; he that knawis
God, heris vs; he that is nocht of God, heris nocht joh. viii. b.
vs. In this thing we knaw the spirit of treuth, and
the spirit of errour. 7 Maast dere brethir, lufe we
togiddir, for charitee is of God ; and ilk that luvis his
bruthir, is bornn of God, and knawis God. 8 He that joh. Hi. c.
iii. 23. of God: so P., but Vg., ejus; R. has Dei. bidding:
Wy., ‘heest’; P., ‘ heeste.’ Vg., mandatum.
24. be the spirit: de Spiritu ; Wy., ‘ of the spirit.’
iv. 3. fordois: solvit; Wy., ‘dissolueth, orfordoith.' cum:
Wy., P., ‘cometh’; venit. richt now : nunc jam.
7. his bruthir: so Wy., P., adding fratrem suum with cod.
Tolet., Ziegler’s Fragments, and R. Cod. Demid, has fratrem.
Vg., qui diligit.

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