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Thir lawis
be King
war anuled
& maid of
na effecte.
in al his secreitis admitted : and that he mycht his fleshlie
pleisures the frilier serue, and with the gretter confidence
row him selfe in al filthines, he intendet to ouirthrawe
the hail nobilitie athir secreitlie be fraude, or apinlie
be force; cheiflie thame, quha scharplie maid thame to 5
resist his lamentable maneris and his dolorous and
dulfule dayes. Nocht lang eftir, he sett out sum leich-
erous lawis, that his flagitious gaird, and quha followit
his braine, mycht haue occasione frilie to louse a brydle
to al thair appetites, *verie lyke to Solon: that euerie xo
ane mycht marie how mony wyfes he lyket, or mycht
halde vpe. Nathir was this lycht lawgyuer w‘ dishonestie
and shame pricked sa 117 prun^eandlie with this law, that
he abhored ony thing to sett out another new law evin
als wicket: to wit, that al Gentle men and maistiris sulde 15
abuse thair tennentis and seruandis dauchtiris as thay
walde: takeng thair pleasour of thame, and that thay
first sould preiue thair madinheid, and haue thair Virgin-
itie, afor thay war lawfullie mariet with ony vthir: and
lykwyse Noble men sould vse f seik menis wyfes at thair 20
Bot how gret and felloune force obteines a wicked
consuetude, and how greidilie men gripis til it, quhen
anes it is offirit, and how fast and obstinatlie thay halde
it, quhen thay haue it, is euident and cleir anuich, be 25
this only exemple of our natione, quha throuch na
admonisment of the kingis that cam eftir, athir thair
authoritie or conzmand, euir could be brocht to yat end,
that thay walde lay thayr aid pestilent maneris asyd,
evin vnto the dayes of Malcolme Canmore and S. 30
Margaret, throuch quhais pietie and prayeris sa per-
* L. “tali Solone dignissimas”—laws most worthy of such a
t L. “ infimorum uxoribus ”—the wives of men of the lower order.
The translator has mistaken the word for “infirmorum,” and trans¬
lated it suA

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