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Earle of Duglass should have tryed the reasone of the sidge, being
w* ane Armie in vew of the besidgers, (the blood of his elder
broyr & his neerest Cussines late Earles of Duglass being freshlie
shed, the first by the king’s owne hand the other haild by such
at the king’s owne table to a scaffold who wer likwise present w*
the king at the sidge, being the ground of this debate) Notw1-
standing, resolutione failling, he wes most justlie deserted by his
assotiats & forces, qrwpon followed quicklie the storming of the
Castell, w* a hot butcherie of all found yrin, wch was instantlie
dimolisht & y4 ancient & hono11 house of Duglass quyte over-
throwne & forfaulted & its revenues annext to the Crowne.
Heir likwise w* the death of this noble gentleman Captaine of
the Castell was occassioned the totall rwine of his fortoune, living
scarse a memoriall to represent him his whole race being needy
extinct at y* time w* himself. Bishope Leslies Naration of all
the passages & persones actors, wer worthie the readeris paines
for more full satisfaction.
The Mures of Skemore & Kittiemore both houses now perished
& quyte out of memorie wer sd. to have been the onlie Remnants
of that race. Monsieur Duncan Mure late Livetenent to the
king of Ffrance guard was of the Mures of Skemore, Sr James
Mure governour of Hassile was of that other house, both of whose
memories are worthie to be kept vpon record.
The house of Pokellie continwed being a distinct house at the
name of Mure verie neer ane hundereth and fyftie yearis as may
be made out by extant papers, & divers Considerable families
throughout the countrie matched w1 the house forsd. & gave ym
yr daughters in manage, qrby they had enterest in many & wer
equall to yr neighbouris. Robert Conynghame of Cuninghamheid
having maried Margarat daughter to Wm last of the name of Mure
of y* familie (qlk Wm divers aged men have affirmed to myself
was knowne to them by the face). Robert forsd. got not onlie a
competent tochare good payed w* her by her fayr, having at y*
time divers male children on life; bot also not many yearis after
the manage, fell to the whole inheretance, to witt of the barronie
of Pokellie lands of Limflare & Lowdowne hill of Drumbowy &
Hareschawes in Lanrick, gifted to Allexr second sone to Sr Adame

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