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Awake to duties then; your eyes be fixd
Become shall Ephraim (mix’d
In pursuence of
these ends, England
(in God’s oppor- Upon these ends,
tunity) upon clear
grounds encourag- Among the People) like an unturn d Cake,
ed to duties. .
Or heartlesse Dove, dxscouragd, faint, and weak?
1. as a Land long God (doubtlesse) for himself, aid’d (earst) in Thee
ed by Christ, so A Church O England, set from darknesse free,
many faithfull Mar-
tyres havemgiayed While at the stake, thy faithfull Martyrs stood
down their lives for ....
him there. A good Confession, sealing with their blood.
2. as a Land which Yea, God the Bargan (yet again) renewd
hath revived the o \J a /
chJSf afrehavii“(.‘ When that espoused Land, with love pursud,
sworn his Covenant
^ His Covenant did swear, and at low rate
so many lives, sac- 7
Sod fith to‘vise- Did value lives, that Jesus might be great.
dom made the en-
seen‘’in^their’coL Lo! God hath wisely, and to purpose, brought
ours, hath gathered i i
together with arms His focs together arm d, for Amies who sought,
in their hands, and e> J o J
Fas'he“hath'?etsth^ And let them out a link, that stir they may,
bounds) for mani-
Gtoj?6 tas "hil Yet so as no where, but as He gives way,
Churches Deliver- rim iiitt* i j j • j
ance, by their more Thus shall He in one houre, or day, decide
speedy overthrow,
and the fuller exe¬
cution of fury upon
God to be waited
upon as One who
shall surely gather,
and rejoyce the sad
hearts of the scat¬
tered Remnants of
that land, and else
where, to whom the
reproach of his
house is a burden,
Zeph. 3. 14, 16, hi,
17, 18.
However God hath
established there,
TOiifngeenenmy,Pfoer Rais’d up, but heard shall in its season be
Judgement, (even . . . . , .
the mine of that fhe vision. Issu d forth is the decree.
Malignant party
that first took the
sword against him)
as also for our cor¬
rection, ffab. 1. 12.
Yet shall the vision
speak and be heard . . . 3.,. 1t
in its anointed Their times, yea promises conditional!
time, Ibid. 2.3. 7 J L
The work withall
What else some ages dispute might abide.
Wait on ye then, whose weight is Sion’s case;
Wait on that Holy One who hides his face
From Jacob’s house; sure, He you gather shall,
And tenderly deal with his remnants small.
For our correction, and their overthrow
Who ’gainst him first ingadg’d, hath God this foe
But friends their fit time, foes their fatall houre,
It’s time God’s Glory (from His acts of pow’r) 570
Have for accomplishment.
Freinds, enemies,
the work, God’s
Sitionall promises Its time of best advantage hath.
(as Levit. 26. 41; 1 .
^rtheir^LpoTnted To each the proper time is. Till we finde
disadvantage, ad- All m one point to meet, none may complain,
vancement, mani- A
compushment! ini Nor of delayes a jealous thought retain.
the times of all the
forsaids meet, none l,et this suffice, your times are in his hand,
may judge or com- 7 J 7
plaine of God's de- who from the fire can pluck a kindled brand,
ay J

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