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How pe Scottis war disconnfist at Halydoun Hyll,
and how pe castell and pe toun of Berwyk war
randeritt to Inglismen with mony vther strenthis
and municionis of Scotlannd. Ca v
^THhe thrid daye following )?is maist odious tyranny Archibald
1 Douglas retumit oute of Northumberland, and come nocM
519 far fra pe army of King Edward, to revenge pe cruelte | done
be him. In pe mene tyme mony prudent and nobill men war
in his army quhilkis persuadit him to invaid nocAt Inglismen
(II. 423) for pat tyme, becaus pair army aboundit in multitude of
pepill daylie exercitt in chevelry, richt insolent eftir pair
frequent victorijs, and provyditt with all municionis pertenand
to werefair. Be contrair, the Scottis war brokin wft^ pe
weeris afoir past, pair agitt & maist exercit capitanis be
sindry disconnfitouris slayne, and pe pepill pan present in
his army 3oung and but ony experience of armes, and pairfor
allegitt na thing sa gude as to decist quhill pai had sum
practike of armis. To this ansueritt Archbald pat his folkis,
howbeitt pai war of few novmer to pair inymyis, lakitt na
curage, and war all movitt with extreme hatrent aganis Inglis¬
men for pair cruelte laitlie cowmittit aganis pe sownis of Alex-
ander Seytoun, and pairfor best was haistelie to pas on pair
inymyis, quhill pair ire war noc/zt put on syde, becaus na
exhortacioun mycht eik pair strenthis sa mekill as ire rageand
in pair breistis. The Douglas left pis hailsum counsale, and
commandit his army to refresche pame selfe with mete and
sleip, pat pai may be reddy to fecht aganis pair inymyis, on
pe nixt morrow.
At pe brek of pe daye he arrayitt his folkis in pair best maner.
The vangard was gevin to Hew, Erie of Roft, havand with
him Kenneth, Erie of Sutherland, Symon & lames Freserr &
lohne Mwrraye, Lufetennent to lohnne, Erie of Mwrraye,
quhilk was troubillit with grete infirmite. The secund batall
was gevin to Alexander Lyndesaye, Alexander Gordoun,
Reginald Grahayme & Robert Kenneth. In pe thrid batall
was Archibauld Douglas, Goueraowr, havand with him lames

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