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Apollin, St : Mon. 2295, “ Sanct Apollin . . . / With all hir tethe in
tyll hir handis ” ; Mon. 2365, " [Sum] for thare teith, to sanct Apollene.”
St Apollin, Apolline, or Apollonia ; Virgin Martyr, died 249. During
the persecutions in Alexandria she was seized, in advanced age, her
jaws beaten, her teeth pulled out, and a fire made before her to make
her recant, after which, when released, she sprang into the fire. In
art she is represented as holding a tooth, or with pincers in her hand
grasping a tooth. Day : February 9.
Augustine, St : Papyngo 988, " Augustyne ” ; Mon. 5370, " The
cunnyng Doctour Augustyne ” ; Mon. 5680, " Augustyne.”
Styled of Hippo. Born at Tagasta, North Africa, November 354.
Educated at Carthage, and after some devotion to theatres and race¬
courses, he " almost ” embraced the Manichaean heresy. Went to
Rome in 383 to teach rhetoric; at Milan, 384, he came under the in¬
fluence of St Ambrose, with whom he studied Plato in Latin. An
African named Pontitian efiected his conversion, and he was baptised
in 387 by St Ambrose in the presence of his mother, St Monica. In
391 he was ordained priest by Valerius, Bishop of Hippo, whom he suc¬
ceeded, when he was engaged in suppressing the Donatists and in com¬
bating the Pelagian heresy. Died August 30, 430, aged seventy-seven,
just after the Vandal invasion of North Africa. Principal writings,
the De Civitate Dei and Confessions. Day : August 28.
Barbara, St : Mon. 2375, " To sanct Barbara thay cry full faste, / To
saif thame frome the thonder blaste.”
Virgin Martyr, " died ” 235 ; a wholly mythical person, whose
" life ” is narrated in the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. Supposed to
have been the daughter of a wealthy Greek, who shut her up in a tower
because of her beauty ; he arranged a marriage, but she had become a
Christian, resolved to dedicate herself to God. She escaped from her
father, but was recaptured, and taken before Marcian, a magistrate,
who tried to make her abjure Christ, ordered her to be whipped, but
her wounds were healed by Christ. Next day she was torn with iron
combs and her head hammered, her breasts were cut off, and she
was ordered to be led naked through the town, whereupon she prayed,
and was miraculously clothed. Her execution was ordered, and her
father cut off her head ; then a flash of lightning struck her father and
a second Marcian. She is thus the patroness of firearms, and is invoked
against thunder and lightning. Day : December 4.
Barnabas, St: Mon. 4611, "Barnabas, Peter, and Pauli”; Mon.
4625, " Barnabas and Pauli.”
Apostle, one of the seventy-two (Luke x.), but not of the twelve.
Born at Cyprus, worked with Paul at Antioch, &c., and believed stoned
to death at Cyprus by Jews. Day : June 11.
Barnerd, St : see Bernard, St.
Bastien, St: see Sebastian, St.

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