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Thow has na wyt with rycht thi selff to leid;
Suld thow help thaim that wald put the to deid ? ’
Kyndnes said; “ 3ha, thai ar gud Scottis men.”
Than Will said; ‘ Nay; weryte thow may ken ;
Had thai bene gud, all anys we had ben. 225
Be reson heyr the contrar now is seyn;
For thai me hayt mar na Sotheroun leid.’
Kyndnes said; “ Nay, that schaw thai nocht in deid.
Thocht ane off thaim be fals in till his saw,
For caus off him thow suld nocht loss thaim aw. 230
Thai haiff done weill in to jon felloun stour;
Reskew thaim now, and tak a hye honour.”
Wyll said ; ‘ Thai wald haiff reft fra me my lyff;
I baid for thaim in mony stalwart stryff.”
Kyndnes said; “ Help, thair power is at nocht; 235
Syn wreik on hym that all the malice wrocht.”
Wyll said; ‘ This day thai sail nocht helpyt be ;
That I haiff said, sail ay be said, for me
Thai ar bot dede; God grant thaim off his blys !
Inwy lang syn has done gret harme bot this.’ 240
Wallace tharwith turnyt for ire in teyn,
Braith teris for baill byrst out fra bathe his eyn.
Schyr Jhon the Graym, and mony worthi wicht,
Wepyt in wo for sorow off that sycht.
Quhen Bruce his battaill apon the Scottis straik, 245
Thair cruell com maid cowardis for to quaik;
Lord Cwmyn fled to Cummyrnauld away.
About the Scottis the Sotheroun lappyt thay.
The men off But befor thair lord thai stud,
Defendand him, quhen fell stremyss off blud 250
Wer thaim about in flothis quhar thai jeid.
Bathid in blud was Bruce suerd and his weid,
Throw fell slauchtyr off trew men off his awn.
223. thay. 240. harme and mis.
224. said wit, the veritie thow. 242. Braith, not in A.
227. mair than the. 244. that knicht.
229. fals vnto thair faw. 246. cuming maid.
234. felloun stryfe. 253. feill men.

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