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Your gret gentrice it sail neuir be for nocht.
We [yow] assure, our ost sail mwff na thing,
Quhyll tym ye may send message fra your king.
Gyff it be sa, at he accord and we,
Than for your saik it sail the bettir be. 1460
Your harroldys als sal saiffly cum and ga;
For your fredom we sail trowbill na ma.”
Scho thankit him off his grant mony sys,
And all the ladyis apon a gudly wys.
Glaidly thai drank, the queyn and gud Wallace; 1465
Thir ladyis als, and lordis in that place.
Fol. 73 a Hyr leyff scho tuk with out langar abaid;
Fyve myile that nycht south till a nonry raid.
Apon the morn till London passit thai,
In Westmenster, quhar at the consaill lay : 1470
Wallace ansuer scho gart schaw to the king.
It nedis nocht her rahers mar off this thing.
The gret commend that scho to Wallace gaiff,
Befor the king, in presens off the laiff,
Till trew Scottis it suld gretly apples, 1475
Thocht Inglismen tharoff had litill es ;
Off worschip, wyt, manheid, and gouernans,
Off fredom, trewth; key off remembrans
Scho callyt him thar in to thair hye presens;
Thocht contrar thaim he stud at his defens. 1480
“ So chyftaynlik,” scho said, “ as he is seyn,
In till Inglande, I trow, has neuir beyn.
Wald ye off gold gyff him this rewmys rent,
Fra honour he will nocht turn his entent.
Sufferyt we ar, quhill ye may message mak ; 1485
Off wys lordis sumpart I reid yow tak,
To purches pees, with outyn wordis mar;
For all Ingland may rew his raid full sayr.
1457. sail do na thing.
1465. drink.
1466. Hir ladyis.
1467. tuik for outtin langer baid.
1476. lytill eis.
1483. this realmis.
1485. Assouerit ar, quhill ^e.

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