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With men of arrays tbai was to bargane bown.
The Sotheron men maid gret defens that tid,
With artail^e, that felloune was to bid.
With awblaster, gayn^e, and stanys fast, 995
And hand gunnys rycht brymly out thai cast;
Pwmjeid with speris men off arrays scheyn.
The worthi Scotts, that cruell war and keyne,
At hand strakis fra thai to gidder met,
With Sotheroun blud thair wapynnys sone thai wet. 1000
3eit Inglismen, that worthi war in wer,
In to the stour rycht bauldly can thaim ber.
Bot all for nocht awail^eid thaim thar deid;
The Scottis throw force apon thaim in thai ^eid.
A thousand men our wallis ^eid hastely; 1005
In to the toun rais hidwis noyis and cry.
Ramsay and Graym the turat 3et has wown,
And entrit in, quhar gret striff has begown.
A trew squier, quhilk Rwan hecht be nayme,
Come to the salt, with gud Schyr Jhon the Grayme; 1010
Xxx1^ with him off men that prewit weill,
Amang thair fais with wapynnys stiff off steill.
Quhen at the Scottis semblit on athir sid,
Na Sotheroun was that mycht thair dynt abid.
Twa thousand sone, was fuljied vnder feit, 1015
Off Sotheroun blud, lay stekit in the streit.
Schir Jhon Stewart saw weill the toune was tynt;
Tuk him to flycht, and wald no langar stynt;
In a lycht barge, and with him men sexte,
The water doun, socht succour at Dunde. 1020
Wallace baid still, quhill the ferd day at morn ;
And left nane thar that war off Ingland born.
Riches thai gat off gold and othir gud;
992. that was.
995. tablaster, gan^e.
997. Fun^eit.
998. that worthy ay hes bene.
1007. Grahame.
1008. did begyn.
1009. Rothuen ; P. Reven.
1010. assalt.
1013. assemblit.
1016. thay strikkit.

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