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Held thaim in closs eftir this sodeyn cas,
Or Sothron men suld sege him in that place;
Tuk wp the bryg, and closyt 3ettis fast. 495
The dede bodyes out of sicht he gart cast,
Baith in the hous, and with out at war dede ;
V of hys awne to berynis he gart leid.
In that cast ell thar vij dayis baide he;
On ilka nycht thai spoiljeid besyle. 500
To Schortwode schaw leide wittaill and wyn wicht,
Houshald and ger, baithe gold and siluer brycht.
Women, and thai that he had grantyt grace,
Quhen him thoucht tyme, thai put out of that place.
Quhen thai had tayne quhat he likit to haiff, 505
Straik doun the ^ettis and set in fyr the laiff;
Out off wyndowis stanssouris all thai drew;
Full gret irne wark in to the wattir threw;
Burdyn, duris and lokis, in thair ire,
All werk of tre, thai brynt wp in a fyr : 510
Fol. igaSpylt at thai mycht, brak brig and bulwark doune.
To Schortwode schawe in haist thai maid thaim boune;
Chesyt a strenth, quhar thai thar lugyng maid,
In gud affer a quhill thar still he baid;
3it in the toun no wit of this had thai. 515
The centre folk, quhen it was lycht of day,
Gret reik saw rys, and to Kynclewyn thai socht:
Bot wallis and stane, mar gud thar fand thai nocht.
The captennis wiff to Sanct Jhonstoun scho jeid,
And to Schyr Garrate scho tauld this felloune deid; 520
Als till hyr son quhat hapnyt was be cas.
Than demyt thai all that it was wicht Wallas;
Off for tyme thar he spyit had the toune.
Than chargyt thai all, thai suld be redy boune.
497. Within the house, and outwith that war 507. stanchoutis—perhaps for stanchontis.
ceid—a misprint for deid. 509. Buirdin durris.
498. to bury. 520. Gerard.
500. And euerilk nicht. _ 523. Befoir tyme.
501. schawis led wyne and vittal bricht.

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