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A burnyst brand he bradyt out that tyde.
The maistir man with sa gud will straik he,
Bathe hatt and hede he gert in sondyr He,
Ane othir fast apon the face he gaiff,
Till dede to ground, but mercy, he him draiff. 90
The thrid he hyt with gret ire in that steid;
Fey on the feld he has him left for deid.
Wallace slew iij; be that his ^emen wicht,
The tothir twa derfly to dede thai dycht.
Syne spoiljeid thai the harnais or thai wend, 95
Off siluer and gold aboundandlye to spend.
Jowellis thai tuk, the best was chosyn thar,
Gud hors and geyr • syne on thair wayis can fayr.
Than Wallace said; “ At sum strenth wald I be.”
Our Glid that tyme thar was a bryg of tre; 100
Thiddir thai past in all thair gudlye mycht:
The day was gayne, and cummyn was the nycht.
Thai durst nocht weylle ner Glaskow still abide;
In the Lennox he tuk purposs to ryde.
And so he dyde, syne lugyt thaim that nycht, 105
As thai best mowcht, quhill that the day was brycht.
Fol. isaTill ane ostrye he went, and soiorned thar
With trew Scottis, quhilk all his freindis war.
The consaill mett rycht glaidly on the morn;
Bot fell tithingis was brocht Persie beforn. no
His men war slayne, his tresour als bereft
With fell Scottis, and thaim na jowellis left.
Thai demede about off that derff doutouss cas;
The Sothren said ; “ Forsuth, it is Wallas.”
The schirrefhs court was cumand to the toune, 115
And he as ane for Scot of most renoune.
Thai gert go seik Schyr Ranald in that rage;
89. (Ae) him. 108. Scottis that his neir freindis wair.
90. (fo) sone. 109. {glaidly) gudly.
94. to deith had dicht. m. als was reft.
96. gold thay got aneuch to spend. 112. feill Scottis.
100. Clyde that tyme was ane gude brig of tre. 113. doutfull cace.
107. To ane Distillary — an extraordinary 116. (a^) was.
misprint for oistillary.

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